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Maya's POV

"I'm gonna miss you so fucking much" Evelyn said as she hugged me tightly while we were at her room.

I was spending a little time with her but my dad called and said that he's downstairs so we can head to my grandparents house with Linda.

They're officially meeting her today and she's pretty nervous about it but I don't think she has anything to be worried about. She's a very lovable person.

"Call me every second of the day" she added still hugging me like I'm going to die or something but I'm honestly hugging her just as tight. Two weeks is too long away from her.

"Meme" I heard Elsie's voice from behind the door making Evelyn back away from the hug but she kept her arm around my neck.

She opened the door since it was right behind her and Elsie came in excitedly "I made us friendship bracelets" she said showing Evelyn and I the three bracelets she made for us.

I smiled widely as Evelyn pouted her lips at the cute gesture "I made pink for Eve, green for Meme and blue for me" she said handing them to us. It is the cutest little thing ever.

Evelyn and I put the bracelets on and showed Elsie "I'm gonna make one for Crunchie" Elsie said making me smile "I'm sure she's gonna love it"

My cat is staying with them until I come back because my grandparents aren't the biggest animal lovers and Elsie was really happy when she found out that she's having Crunch for a while.

I crouched down and hugged Elsie tightly "I'm gonna miss you" she said into the hug. I pulled back from the hug after a bit "I'll miss you too but I'm gonna be back before you even know it"

I felt Evelyn place her hand on my shoulder making me look up at her as she sniffed and held back her tears "I have to go now baby" I said kissing Elsie's cheek who nodded her head "FaceTime us" Elsie said and I nodded my head "of course"

Elsie then left the room and I stood up, hugging Evelyn tightly "I'm gonna be back soon. I'm not dying or anything" I said trying to lighten up the mood "Elsie loves you so much" she said, sniffing again "and I love her just as much"

She backed away and pecked my lips "let's go" she said holding my hand and taking me downstairs "I hate your dad now. He's taking you away from me" she said stopping before opening her front door.

Her eyes were sparkling from the tears in them and she just looked so sad "I love that you're crying over me though" I said making her punch my chest as I laughed which made her smile a little "now I know you're not leaving me cause you'd be an absolute wreck without me" I added making her roll her eyes.

"Didn't we already know that? Now come here and kiss me before you go" she said stepping closer to me. I leaned in and placed my lips on hers "I love you" I said after kissing her for a bit "I love you more"

I opened the door and wanted to step out then I felt her slap my ass making me turn to look at her "I'm crying cause I'm not gonna grab that ass for two weeks" she said making me laugh "like it's so bubbly and perfect" she added making me laugh "okay I'm leaving"

"I love you" she said once more "I love you more"

I got into the car and switched from my happy mode to an upset one immediately. My dad is being a little bitch so I'm going to be a little bitch too.

"Took you long enough" he said starting the car as I rolled my eyes at his comment "whatever"


"I have to come with you next time. I gotta meet your grandparents so I know what we have is real" Evelyn said as we were on call while I was sitting in my grandparents backyard.

"I know your horny ass just wants to have sex in a different place. You're like marking your territory or something" I said earning a laugh from her which made me smile.

I fucking love her laugh.

"You know me too well" she said making me smile as I looked at the bracelet Elsie made us "Maya!" I turned my head to look at my cousin who called for me "come on, we're gonna play overcooked"

"I'll be there in a bit" she nodded her head and stepped inside the house again "that was not grandma Parker. What are you doing in another female's presence? You're supposedly my girlfriend but you're still breathing another woman's air? The audacity you have is unreal" She said making me laugh "she's my cousin babe"

"Oh okay. I miss you" she said changing her voice to a softer tone making me laugh "I miss you too"

"Okay, go play with your cousins. I'm gonna go sleep" she said and I removed the phone from my ear to check the time "but it's 11pm. That's very early for you" I said putting the phone up to my ear again "I know but I'm gonna go to the beach tomorrow so I wanna get enough sleep"

"Oh yeah that's a good idea. Send me pictures when you go tomorrow" I said smirking "of course. I'm already thinking of poses for the pictures so I can tease you a little" she said making me groan loudly making her laugh a little "I hate you"

"Sure. Goodnight baby, love youuuu" she said making me smile widely and blush a little "goodnight beautiful. I love you even more"

"Shut up" she said "no" I responded sassily to her "I know your ass isn't being sassy to me right now" I laughed at what she said "and what about it?"

"You really wanna know what I'll do-" I cut her off when I realized it's going to get sexual which will end up with me having to either stay hard for a while or jerk off to her pictures and I am too tired to do any of that.

"Okay okay. Go to sleep"

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