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Maya's POV

It's been a few days since the party and Evelyn and I have been fucking as much as we can. Sex with her is so fucking good.

"Hey" I smiled as Evelyn walked beside me "let me come to your house today" she added and I raised my eyebrows "why is that? So you can call my dad hot again?" I asked and she bit the tip of her finger sarcastically "you caught me"

"I'll send you the address" I said making her smile "good. Really been missing.." I raised my eyebrows waiting for her to say that she's missing me "..your dick. Not you" she whispered making me laugh as she walked away from me.

Evelyn and I have a weird relationship but I strangely like it.

We mess around here and there but we bully each other almost every chance we get. We hate each other but not really? I don't know, I just know that I like it.

"Hey there" I looked at Cindy and smiled "what's up?" I said walking with her to class "we haven't talked in a while. Thought I'd catch up with you" she said with a smile on her face.

We talked a bit as we walked into class. I sat in my seat and Cindy sat on the table in front of me like she always does "you're so funny" she said laughing.

I don't think I'm that funny but okay.

"She's not that funny" I looked towards Evelyn who came closer to us. Cindy groaned and rolled her eyes, switching her attention to me again "I hate people who kill the mood" Cindy said and I laughed nodding my head just to annoy Evelyn who raised her eyebrows.

"How about you fuck off Cindy? Or I'll get my dad to kick you out of the volleyball team" Evelyn threatened making Cindy groan "I'll talk to you later" Cindy said kissing my cheek and walking towards her seat.

"I kill the mood huh?" She asked and I laughed, shrugging my shoulders "whatever. You and Cindy getting closer or something?" She asked crossing her arms "why do you care?"

"I don't" she said looking away from my eyes when she clearly got nervous "are you jealous?" I asked standing up and looking down at her. She rolled her eyes "you wish"

"Hey baby, you don't have to worry about her.." I said making her look up into my eyes. I leaned closer to her face "..you're the only girl I love fucking" I whispered quietly.

She clenched her jaw as she clearly is trying to hold her smile back but failed "what do you want from my girl?" Evelyn looked at Charles and raised her eyebrows which seemed to give him some signal to fuck off and leave her alone which worked.

"Whatever" he mumbled before walking away "does your boy-toy know about me?" I asked and she shook her head "no, he just knows I have sex with people"

"Fuck people as in who?" I asked feeling a bit of jealousy wash over me "you look pissed off" she said smirking. I laughed and shook my head "I'm not a jealous person"

"I didn't say you were"

The bell rang so we all started getting in our seats. Evelyn wanted to walk away but then came back to me, leaning down a bit so her face is closer to me "what I meant was I used to fuck a few people until you came into my life. You make me feel pretty good so I don't need anyone anymore"

I sighed in relief but tried not to make it clear. I just smiled and nodded "I mean I really didn't care that much but okay" she rolled her eyes making me laugh "whatever"


"I sent you my address but I live in a very different neighborhood than you and your other rich friends so-" Evelyn laughed and closed her locker "it's okay Parker. I don't judge"

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