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Evelyn's POV

"You have a cigarette for me?"

Maya turned her head to look at me for a split second as I approached her then looked in front of her again "how did you even find me?" She asked me.

"You're always on top of some building when you're upset so I guessed it would've been your favorite place in the world" I said sitting down beside her.

We sat in silence for a little and I kept taking quick glances at her as she looked in front of her while she was smoking.

"Remember when you came to my house for the first time?" I asked her, breaking the silence. She nodded her head but still didn't look at me "when you asked me why I liked your house better than my own and I said I like the vibe? That obviously wasn't it"

Maya took a quick glance at me then looked back in front of her "and it's not because of your dad either" I said making her smile slightly as she inhaled some smoke from the cigarette.

"I like it because it smells like you but I couldn't say that earlier because it would've sounded like I'm down bad and creepy" I said making her laugh a little "you are creepy"

"I guess love makes me creepy. It also makes me sad, scared and crazy enough to do things like sit on the roof of an arcade at one in the morning" I heard Maya let out a small laugh at what I said making me smile.

I admired her side profile for a bit, noticing every little detail of her and falling in love with her even more.

"What I'm trying to say is that.. I'm really sorry for fucking up and that.." I paused for a second as I tried to gain the courage to say it.

I rubbed my hands together because I'm nervous and cold then placed my hands in between my thighs nervously.

"..I love you. Like a lot"

I can feel Maya looking at me but I was too nervous to look at her.

I feel like it's too early for this but we basically say we love each other in other ways so what's the point on not saying it straight forward?

"I love you too" I heard her softly say. I finally looked at her with a big smile on my face "but if you have feelings for Charles, I-" I cut her off and shook my head "I don't. I don't know what I was thinking when I said that. I hate that man more than anything, I swear to every god in the world that you're the only person I'm in love with"

Maya smiled a little and hit her shoulder with mine "you're in love with me?" She asked making me blush and smile widely "I very much am"

We looked into each other's eyes for a bit then she leaned in and kissed my lips gently. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her again "god I missed kissing you so much" I mumbled against her lips making her laugh as she held my waist.

I backed away from the kiss and took the cigarette from her making her laugh "I heard you got into a fight with your dad" Maya groaned loudly "do we really have to talk about that?"

"Yes we do. I know your dad can be a bit.. assertive and aggressive-" she cut me off "you don't have to be polite. He was an asshole and a fucking dick for what he said" she said obviously getting angry at the mention of her dad.

I rubbed her back with my free hand "I didn't do anything wrong to him. I was an asshole to Linda but not to the point where I deserved to hear the things he said. I was just upset and she kept asking me if I'm okay, I just couldn't take it"

I listened carefully to what she said as she looked down in disappointment "it's okay baby. I talked to Linda and she told me about the fight because she thinks your dad is wrong for what he said" I explained and she frowned a little more, scratching the side of her head.

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