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Maya's POV

I parked my car and got out, walking towards the door. It was already crowded outside, the music was blasting and the lights are making me go blind. I definitely need to drink something.

"Hey sexy" some girl said standing in front of me. I have no idea who she is "hey" I said smiling "you're the girl with the dick right?" I rolled my eyes and nodded "mhm" then I walked past her.

"Maya! Over here!" I went towards Noel and the others and gave them a hug "you look good" Henzo said to me "you look good too, man"

I looked at Noel who was taking her sweet time looking at my outfit "like what you see?" I asked snapping her out of her thoughts. She blushed and looked down making me smile. She's so cute.

"What are you doing here?" Charles said obviously drunk, raising his voice so I can hear him over the music "I wanna be here so?" I asked and he placed his hand on my shoulder which i immediately pushed away "this is my house-" he was cut off by Evelyn who approached us "oh cut the crap Charles. Go bother someone else" she said to him.

She looks so fucking good. She was wearing this black short skirt with a red top which was hugging her body  oh so perfectly.

"You.." Evelyn pointed at me and held the waistband of my pants "..you're coming with me" she said pulling me away from the others.

I laughed when she stopped pulling me "you really are obsessed with me huh?" I asked and she laughed, patting my cheek gently like she did before "you're delusional. Let's take shots, shall we?"

Each of us took like four shots then she took me to where everyone was dancing.

We started dancing around and I felt an arm around me making me turn to the girl who was smirking at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her waist as we started dancing together.

"You're hot" she said moving her face closer to mine "thanks" then she just kissed me. I went along with it because it's a party, I'll kiss randoms.

But then I was pulled away and turned around "bold of you to come with me to dance and kiss another bitch" Evelyn said as we kept dancing "you want me to kiss you?" I asked leaning closer to her so she can hear me.

She didn't answer. She just turned around and danced very close to me. One of her hands went to the back of my head as she rested her head back on my shoulder.

We kept dancing in sync as I looked at her face. She had her eyes closed and her bottom lip in between her teeth.

I turned her around and leaned in to kiss her but she placed her pointer finger on my lips, stopping me from kissing her "no kissing, not now" she warned and I laughed "why is that? You clearly want me to" I said and she laughed "kiss me right before you fuck me only"

"Let's do that then" she smiled and nodded, taking my hand and leading me upstairs. She tried to open some door and started hardly knocking on it which made the person inside open it "leave" the guy stood there for a bit then called the girl he was with, leaving the room.

"Dumb of Charles to leave his room unlocked when it's a party full of horny teens" she said as we walked in. Fuck I totally forgot Charles is her boyfriend.

"Maybe this was a bad idea. I don't wanna be a part of a cheating process or whatever" I said. Evelyn laughed and held my chin, pulling me down to her level "Charles and I are just in it for publicity. We don't kiss and we for sure don't fuck. I can do what I want and he can do what he wants"

"Now fuck me" I smiled and leaned in to kiss her which she didn't stop this time.

We were making out roughly and now we're on the bed with me on top of her as we kept making out. Her leg were wrapped around me as I placed my hand on her thigh, lifting her skirt up as I gently pushed myself against her.

She moaned into my mouth and backed away from the kiss. She pushed me on the bed making me lay down and she reached for the drawer "here" she gave me a condom as she started taking off her clothes.

I couldn't get my eyes off her.

"Stop staring and get naked" she demanded. I laughed and started unbuckling my belt as I still looked at her taking all of her clothes off.

I stood up and started taking my pants off quickly as she crawled from the end of the bed so she can lay her head on the pillow.

I pulled my shirt off and took my boxers off, putting the condom on and getting on top of her.

We started making out again and I felt her hand wrap around my dick without breaking the kiss for one second "you really are big" she whispered before kissing me again.

She pressed the tip on her entrance "I want you to fuck me.. hard" she said and I smiled "don't have to tell me twice"

I pushed myself inside of her making her throw her head back in pleasure "you're so hot" I said quietly as I started to kiss and suck on her neck while I was moving in and out of her.

"Do you care if I left hickeys?" I asked. She shook her head as she breathed heavily "do anything you want to me" I smiled and started sucking on her neck again.

I kissed her cheek and sat up, holding her hips and going even faster. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, tilting my head back in pleasure "fuck" I mumbled.

Evelyn was basically screaming under me.

"Yes baby, keep going" she moaned out. I looked at her, admiring how hot she looks as she moaned loudly and gripped the bedsheets.

"I'm so close Maya, so close" I started rubbing her clit to add on to the pleasure "fuck yes" her legs started shaking as she came on me. Her back arched off the bed as her mouth hung open. I went down to her level and rested my elbows next to her head as I kept going but slower.

"I'm gonna keep going for a bit, okay?" I said and she nodded. I moved a bit faster as she scratched my back. I let out a few moans and came in the condom.

I dropped down next to her on the bed trying to catch my breathe. We stayed quiet for a bit "wanna smoke some weed?" I looked over at her and laughed at her question "he has it rolled and everything. Saved us the time" she added sitting up and taking it from his drawer.

"You sure that motherfucker is clean?" I asked sitting up and putting my back against the headboard and covering my lower half with the blanket "i rolled them for him. It's my love language" she said handing me a blunt. I placed it in between my lips as she lit it up for me.

I inhaled a bit then handed it to her "I thought that your whole relationship is for publicity, not love" I said and she nodded "unfortunately he's still my boyfriend so if he wants 'something' instead of giving it to him, I just buy him weed and roll it for him"

"Why you asking? Jealous?" She asked passing me the blunt. I laughed and shook my head "I don't get jealous"

She hummed and nodded "yeah right"

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