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Maya's POV

"That's your girl?" My cousin Brandon asked when he walked past me as I was staring at the beautiful picture she sent me of her at the beach. She was holding up her drink up as she took a cute picture of herself.

"Yeah" I said with a big smile on my face. It's so embarrassing how much I look at her picture and get caught. Like please, I'm down bad and everyone knows it.

"She's hot as fuck" I looked up from my phone at Brandon who sat on the couch in front of me "I know you did not just that about my girl" I said feeling my stomach twist at his comment.

I hate people calling Eve things like that, mostly because she hates it and feels sexualized when it's someone other than me saying that to her.

And I'm, obviously, an overprotective girlfriend.

I'm not letting anyone talk about my girl in a way she doesn't like even if it's behind her back.

"What? She is hot, don't be the annoying insecure type of girlfriend" he said manspreading those disgusting legs.

Brandon was never my favorite. I wouldn't hang out with him if I had the choice but he's my cousin so I'm forced to see him at times like this.

"Say whatever you wanna say about me but don't say that about my girlfriend dude" I was getting triggered and aggravated.

I am a little bit insecure but only when it comes to Evelyn. I know I'm sexy and shit but I feel like I can be easily replaced for some reason. She can find her another Maya easily.

And it irritates me so much when people point it out because shut the fuck up.

"Hey guys, whatcha talking about?" Elena, my other cousin said as she sat beside me "about her sexy ass girlfriend but she seems to be so mad when I say that about her" I am about to kill a motherfucker.

"I swear to fucking god Brandon" I'm trying so hard not to beat him up because he's seriously pissing me off with the continuous sexual comments.

The only thing stopping me is my grandparents. I don't want to upset them by ruining the time where they have their kids and grandkids with them because Brandon is being an idiot.

"What? You want me to lie and say I won't hit that any chance I get?" He asked laughing "Brandon stop" Elena said which I was very thankful for because I'm so close to losing my shit.

Then I saw Evelyn's name pop up on my phone making me smile and stand up "hi baby" I said leaving the room and going to the room I was sleeping in with Elena and her little sister, Luna.

"Hey pretty. What are you doing right now?" She asked me as I laid down on the tiny ass bed they gave me.

I'm tall as fuck, they should've given me the bigger bed instead of giving it to Luna because she's their favorite. I have to curl up in a ball when I sleep just to fit in the bed.

"Was about to beat up my cousin but you called so I appreciate that" I said placing my arm under my head as I looked up at the ceiling with the other hand holding my phone up to my ear.

"Why? What happened?" She texted me that she got home from the beach not so long ago "don't worry about it. Did you have fun?" I asked changing the subject.

"So much fun. One of Gigi's friends came with us, he was so funny" she said excitedly and I nodded "and who is that friend?" I asked.

I can't help but be so jealous of everyone that even breathes around her. Everyone wants her. She's like pure perfection with an amazing mean personality that I know for a fact people love. Threats everywhere.

"Malakai" that's not an ugly name nooooo.

"Interesting" I put the phone on speaker and went to Instagram to find his account "babe no. I know you're looking for his account right now" she knows me too well but that's not stopping me.

I went to Gigi's account then searched for his name in her following. I pressed on his account and he is not ugly damnit.

"Babe babe babe babe babe" Evelyn kept repeating making me laugh a little "I'm here. This man is.. not ugly" I said scrolling through his account then I eventually just stopped when I didn't find any embarrassing ugly old pictures of him.

"Ew he is ugly. No one is prettier than my babygirl cutie patootie wife" she said making me laugh "cutie patootie? That's new" I said with a huge smile on my face. This woman sure knows how to make me happy.

"It's literally your name in my phone"

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