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Maya's POV

The first week of school passed by nicely I guess. I avoided Evelyn and her rat ass of a boyfriend as much as I could because they seemed to be the one to bring me all the trouble.

I walked into school and literally everyone was looking at me and whispering. I know I'm hot but turn it down a notch.

No but what is actually happening?

I went towards Noel and the others "what the fuck is going on?" I asked them. They looked at each other then back at me. Kane put his arm around my shoulder "just forget them-" I pushed his arm off my shoulder "what is it?"

Noel handed me her phone and I looked down. Great now everyone knows I have a fucking dick.

I covered my face with my hands after giving Noel her phone back, shaking my head. I'm not insecure about it, it's not something I want to change about myself but I don't want to hear people talk shit about it.

"Who's account is this?" I asked removing my hands from my face "we don't know. Some person in this school just likes to cause drama and expose everyone" Noel explained.

"We don't care that you have a-" I cut Noel off "you shouldn't fucking care. It's none of your business" I said angrily.

Then I saw Evelyn and Charles walk in together. I threw my bag on the floor and went towards them.

I held Charles by his clothes "I know you fucking did it asshole" I said. He just laughed "calm down. You have a dick and you're lesbian. How bad can your life get?" I was so close to punching him but I didn't just because I remembered what my dad said to me.

I'm not going to ruin my future because of this motherfucker.

I let go of his clothes and looked at Evelyn who just clenched her jaw and looked away from me "I'll make you regret it" I said to Charles before walking away.

I took my bag and went to the janitor's closet to calm myself down then I heard the door open "hey" Noel said walking in and closing the door behind her.

"Listen-" I cut her off before she said anything "it didn't change anything, we don't care, blah blah blah. Yeah now what?"

She got closer to me and placed her hand on my chest "I really don't care" she started to get down on her knees slowly in front of me and started undoing my pants.

"Do you want me to keep going?" She asked. I nodded my head "yeah. Keep going"

She smiled and pulled my pants down a little alongside my boxers. She wrapped her hand around my shaft and slowly rubbed it "you're so big" she whispered taking my tip in her mouth.

I let out a breathy moan and tilted my head back, placing my hand on the back of her head as she moved her head up and down, not wasting any more time.

I just let myself enjoy it.


Me, Noel and some of our friends were sitting on the grass outside since it was nice and they were trying to cheer me up.

I mean sure, that blowjob made me happy but not for long. It was just happiness at that moment.

"Parker.." I turned to look at who called for me to see Evelyn. I rolled my eyes and ignored her "..get up, I wanna talk to you" she said "I'm just supposed to listen to you now?"

"Just come with me" she bent down and held my hand trying to pull me up but of course, that didn't work "okay okay" I said standing up and pulling my hand back.

She took me to some room that had some equipments and tools and shit like that.

"What?" I asked resting back on the table "talk to me nicely and I'll tell you what I have" I clenched my fists and let out a breathe, looking away from her.

She's seriously pissing me off right now.

"I'm just kidding" she said coming towards me "give me your phone" she demanded and I just did it, not wanting to argue with her. She's definitely one stubborn bitch.

"Here" she gave it back to me to show me that Twitter account "why are you showing me this shit?" I asked her "just look"

I scrolled through the page and didn't find my nudes anywhere on it "so it was your fucking boy toy huh?" I said turning my phone off "it wasn't him" she said and I laughed "and I'm supposed to believe that? You'll do anything to protect that fucking asshole-"

She held my chin roughly and made me look at her "shut the fuck up for a fucking second, will you?" I took a deep breathe and stayed quiet "it wasn't Charles but I'm not gonna tell you who it is because from what I'm seeing, you'll kill that person"

"Control yourself before you get in trouble, Parker" she said quietly, her face so close to mine. I looked down at her lips then back into her eyes. She patted my cheek gently and wanted to walk out "why did you take it down?" I asked which made her stop and turn to look at me.

"Because I am a decent human being and.." she looked down at my crotch and smirked, looking back into my eyes "..only lucky people should be able to look at that, don't you think?" I laughed at what she said "you're confusing" I said. She shrugged with a smile on her face then walked out and I walked out after her.

I went back to my friends "what? Did you fuck her?" Kane asked. I laughed "what?" I asked confused "she did something and it made you happy. Evelyn does not make people happy, she makes people cry" Henzo said.

"Did she actually make someone cry?" I asked looking at Noel who nodded "multiple"

"But really, what happened?" Kane asked "she just helped take the photos down from the Twitter account"

"There is no way Evelyn did something like that" Henzo said. I just shrugged "I'm gonna go to the library" Noel said standing up.

She looked upset so I stood up and followed her. I held her arm and stopped her "you okay?" I asked and she nodded with a small smile on her face "yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You sure? You look upset" she shook her head and kissed my cheek "I'm okay, I'll see you later"

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