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Maya's POV

Today was the last day of finals and god, I can't wait to actually sleep and have a proper meal. Also, have Evelyn focus on meeee.

"Hi baby. How was the exam?" Evelyn asked placing her hand on the back of my head, gently scratching my head "it was alright. We're in school, aren't you worried about people seeing you like this with me?" I asked with a bit of attitude which made her frown "you okay?"

"Yeah I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted and I feel like I fucked up a lot in my exams" I said looking down at my hands in my lap "it's okay baby. Whatever happens, don't beat yourself up about it because it already happened and you can't change it. I'm proud of you and I know you studied hard"

I looked up at Evelyn and she smiled at me then moved my hair away from my face "I love you" I said as she tucked some hair behind my ear "I love you too"

"And if it makes you any happier, I broke up with Charles" I felt my mood shift "really?" I asked her, not fully believing it because it's a literal dream come true.

"Yes really. Now come kiss me" I smiled widely at her request and she connected her lips with mine.

I felt good knowing anyone could see us and tell people around school about Evelyn and I dating since they like to gossip which means people will know she's my girl.

"Let's go to your place and just sleep" Evelyn said with her hand on the side of my neck "I love that idea"

I took her hand in mine and we walked to my car "don't worry about anything baby. You did everything you could" Evelyn said squeezing my hand when she saw me zoning out "yeah"

I say I fucked up in my exams all the time because I start questioning every single answer I put after I hand in my paper but I always get amazing grades.

This time though, I'm definitely not getting the straight A's that I've been aiming for.

But I'll enjoy the few days I have until my grades come out.

We made it to my house and went straight to my bedroom, both of us changing into my clothes to get more comfortable but I know for a fact I won't see the shirt or shorts she's wearing ever again but it's whatever, looks better on her anyways.

"Come here my little cutie patootie baby" I laughed at the name she called me and got in bed, placing my head on her chest and let myself relax as I smiled widely when I rested my head on her big beautiful gorgeous boobs.

"I love your boobs" I said placing a kiss on them which made her laugh "I know you do"

Then we heard a soft meow making both of us lift our heads up to see Crunch approaching us "my little baby" I said taking her and placing her on Evelyn's stomach so we can all cuddle together.

"We're like a little family" I said getting comfortable again as I gently started petting Crunch to put her to sleep "her head is so tiny. I can literally bite it off" I added then looked up at Evelyn who shook her head in disbelief then forcefully pushed my head down to place it back on her chest "just go to sleep"


"Hey baby. What did you get on your report card?"

Evelyn walked into my room and her eyebrows immediately frowned when she saw my face "I fucked up. Like what the fuck are these grades?" I questioned in frustration as I looked down at the report card.

She sat beside me and took it to take a look at it "that's so good" she said and I shook my head "All of them are B's and there are two C's. I didn't even get an A in English" I said rubbing the side of forehead.

"But baby that's still so good" she said placing her hand on the back of my neck, massaging it gently "not good enough. The school took me because of my straight A's and amazing academic achievements, what's the point now? Your dad can kick me out now if he want"

"No he can't, don worry about him" she reassured, placing a soft kiss on my cheek as she held my cheek with her other hand "what about my dad? He'll yell at me" I said looking at Evelyn who kept rubbing my cheek softly "he'll get over it"

She pulled me into her arms and kissed the top of my head "like I said, you did all you could. You studied for long hours and you barely even slept anything. I'm so proud of you baby, you did such a good job"

A small smile formed on my face when she said that and I closed my eyes, trying not to think of anything in this moment and just let myself loosen up a little bit.

After a few minutes, I backed away from the hug "I think I'm gonna go talk to Linda since she's here already and tell her to talk to my dad about it" Evelyn nodded her head understandingly "if that's what you want then do it, I'm hanging out with a few of my friends so I have to go"

"Who?" I asked standing up "Tim, Gina and Cassie" she said and I nodded my head, pecking her lips "call me after, okay?" Evelyn said cupping my face with her cute hands "I will"

Evelyn left my place and I went to the living room to talk to Linda "hi" I said putting a smile on her face which made me smile a little as I held my report card in my hand "hi, Maya. Everything okay? You look upset"

"I got my report card" I anxiously said as I handed it to her. She looked down at it then turned to look at me with a big smile on her face "that's really good"

"Not to my dad" her smile slowly faded away and she nodded her head, knowing what I want to ask her to do "I'll talk to him. Everything will be okay. Just go hang out with your girlfriend or your friends and have fun"

I gave her a tight hug "thank you so much, Linda"

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