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Maya's POV

"Dad this shit is heavy" I said pulling out the brand new microwave he got but struggled since your girl barely has any muscles.

I was a shooter in basketball. I just throw the ball and it goes in the net every single time. I had amazing luck.

"Grow some balls, Maya" he said getting out of the car "hi baby" I smiled at Evelyn when she left her car after she parked it and came towards me "hey"

She pecked my lips "you okay?" She asked laughing when she noticed me struggling with the box "give it to me baby" she said taking it from me. I sighed and kissed the side of her head "my life savior" I said making her laugh as she held it up with one arm while she was resting it on her hip.

My girl has some beautiful muscles though. She's so yummy.

"Are you seriously letting your girl carry that?" My dad asked me and I shrugged "she's strong, I don't see why not"

"Aren't you supposed to be like.. the man in the relationship?" He asked then walked away. I rolled my eyes "isn't the point of being in a lesbian relationship, not having a man in it?" I said annoyed at what my dad said.

Evelyn laughed "don't worry about him baby" she said leaning in to kiss my lips.

I felt her slap my ass "go make me some food babygirl" she said making me laugh as I watched her walk inside of the house.

She's weird. I love it.

"Thank you, Eve" Linda said as Evelyn placed the box on the table "of course. It was as heavy as a feather" she teased looking at me which made me roll my eyes.

We went upstairs to my room and Evelyn got on the bed "come to mommy" she said putting her arms out for me. I laughed a little and got in bed with her, laying on top of her and resting my head on her chest.

"How are you feeling? Better?" I was upset at school today because I had a nightmare again and of course, I told Evelyn about it.

I literally tell this girl everything.

Even when I shit, I send her a selfie of myself on the toilet while I'm shitting.

And she always sends me one back like a minute later telling me we're actual soulmates because we shit at the same time.

"I'm okay" I closed my eyes and breathed in her beautiful perfume "you smell good" I mumbled, cuddling more into her if that's possible.

"Thank you baby" she kissed the top of my head making me smile "get a bit of sleep baby, you didn't sleep a lot and I want you to rest"

"Okay. I love you"

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