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Maya's POV

"I'm gonna go out tonight with a few of my friends" I said to Evelyn as she walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body "okay. Who exactly?"

"Gabi, Noel, Cindy, Carla and Dina" I said quickly. She turned to look at me after she put on her panties and bra "did you just Cindy? The girl that flirts with you all the time?" She asked. I stayed quiet and she shook her head "I don't want you to go"

I stood up and went towards her "come on baby. We're just gonna hangout with a few of my friends, we're not alone" I held her waist from behind and looked at her through the mirror "please baby?" She rolled her eyes and nodded "okay but if she does anything I am going to-" I cut her off and laughed "please don't continue. You're gonna say something extremely specific and psychotic"

"You bet" I laughed and kissed her shoulder "you have nothing to worry about" I reassured and she nodded her head "no one can make you that loud in bed, that's for sure" she said. I backed away from her and laughed. Feeling a little exposed but it was funny.. and very true.

"And no one can make me as happy as you do" I said making her smile and look down "shut up. I'm trying to be mad" I carried her over my shoulder and put her on the bed then got on top of her and started tickling her stomach making her move around and laugh.

"Still mad?" I asked as I kept tickling her "stop" she repeated then she punched my shoulder "stop" she said very seriously making both of us laugh "You're actually really strong" I said and she nodded, flipping us over and straddling my lap.

"You can stay here with me.." she leaned down and kissed my neck gently "..instead of going out with that bitch" she started sucking on my neck, probably leaving a few hickeys but I definitely don't mind.

"I love this but I have to go" she groaned and got off me "go have fun with your girlfriend" she said walking towards the mirror "I'm kidding" she added and I sighed in relief "really, don't worry"

"I'm not" I hugged her from behind and kissed her neck "you complete me" I said making her smile "you complete me too"

I laughed and kissed her head "I love it when we're weird and awkward together" I said and she nodded her head "right? It's our thing now"

"So real dude" I said as we did the small handshake we made for us "you're weird" she said still holding my hand after we did our handshake "you love it" I said pecking her lips "yes I do"


We were out in a restaurant, eating and laughing. I didn't sit beside Cindy just so i don't feel guilty about anything even though Evelyn didn't actually tell me to not sit beside her but I know she would prefer me not sitting next to her.

"Wait is that.. Evelyn? Like Evelyn Clark?" I turned to look at where Cindy pointed to see Evelyn with a few of her friends.

I laughed when my eyes locked with hers and she shrugged, taking a sip from her drink.

God I love this girl.

I shook my head in disbelief and looked back at the others "okay she's coming" that's what she said. I've been watching a little too much of the office, sorry.

"What is your highness doing here?" Cindy asked when Evelyn stopped at our table "you're not funny" she said in a very forward way then looked at me "can I talk to you?" She asked me.

"I have a girlfriend so-" Evelyn rolled her eyes and cut me off "it's about school"

"What could you possibly want from-" Evelyn also cut Cindy off and looked at her "please us with your silence" she said then walked away expecting me to walk behind her which I did.

I do everything she tells me to do, it's whatever.

We walked outside of the restaurant and she turned to look at me "you're crazy" I said making her shrug her shoulders without even a small smile on her face "call it whatever you want"

"Why are you here?" I asked Evelyn. She looks absolutely gorgeous in her cute skirt and crop top "why not?" She answered crossing her arms "you got something to hide- just kidding. Go have fun with your friends and I'm gonna be there watching.." she poked my chest once "..over you"

I laughed and watched her as she walked inside of the restaurant again with a big smile on my face.

This girl is everything I ever wanted.

Intelligent, beautiful, crazy, sexy, matches my energy, confident, mean, makes my heart happy, independent, a bit obsessive, supportive, patient with me, unbelievably caring, she makes me feel good about myself. I can keep going and I won't be able to stop.

I feel so much for Evelyn and it scares me so much but also makes me so excited for my future with her.

But I am trying to take it slow with her because there are a few issues getting in between us like Charles and her dad.

And I will keep taking it slow until they're out of our way. Most importantly, Charles.

I went back to the table and sat down "what did she want?" Cindy asked and I shrugged "just asked me about something for school" I said and Cindy laughed "that's not very Evelyn of her. Maybe she wants you to fuck her"

I frowned my eyebrows but still tried to hide my annoyance at her comment "come on Cindy. Don't say that about her" Gabi defended when she saw me getting annoyed "what? It's true. I know she has a boyfriend or whatever but she probably cheated on him so many times. That girl is not the one to settle for one person"

I do not want to hear this right now.

"You can't say that about someone you barely even know, Cindy" I said calmly so I don't make it too obvious that we're together which I hate.

I want to defend her like my life depends on it. Maybe throw a few punches too.

"It's not a big deal babe" don't call me that. Pet names are only allowed for Evelyn.

I hope the dinner passes by quickly because right now, all I want to do is to leave and go cuddle with Evelyn.

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