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Maya's POV

"Hi. Erika let me in" I said stepping into Evelyn's room who was standing in front of her mirror, brushing her hair as she wore her robe "I kinda have bad news" I added as I walked towards her and kissed her cheek "what is it?" She asked, already worried.

"I have to leave in two days. I'm gonna go visit my grandparents for the rest of spring break" Evelyn pouted her lips as she turned to look at me "but we had so many plans" she said walking towards me while I was sitting on the edge of her bed.

I held the back of her thigh as she placed her hand on the side of my face "I know, I just found out too. I'm pretty sure my dad did this because of my grades" Evelyn frowned her eyebrows and cupped my face "I'm sorry about your dad, baby"

My dad didn't yell at me nor did he talk about my grades but he made it pretty clear that he's very upset with me.

Linda tried her best but my dad will always be an ass.

He knows how excited I was to spend my spring break with my beautiful girlfriend and my friends so he had to ruin it as an indirect punishment for my grades.

"It's whatever. Are you.. like naked?" I asked when I moved my hand up her thigh. She smirked and nodded "I am gonna take a shower so.. we can get a bit dirty" she seductively said as she straddled my lap.

I smiled, already getting turned on. I kissed her lips gently and she wrapped her arms around my neck as she arched her back "let me go make sure the door is locked" I said pulling back from the kiss and flipping her over so she can lay down on the bed.

I got up and went to lock the door then turned around to see her robe untied which exposed her beautiful body to me.

I bit my lip gently and took my shirt off as I made my way towards her. I got on top of her "you are so beautiful" I whispered against her lips "mhm" she hummed with a smile on her face.

We were making out messily as I started grinding myself on her making her moan quietly into my mouth.

"No teasing this time" she breathlessly said. I smiled and stood up, starting to take my pants off "I don't think I can take any teasing either"

She threw the robe somewhere on the floor and I got on top of her again. Evelyn took a condom from her drawer and slipped it on for me "I need you, please" she said placing her hands on my waist "you know I can't resist the begging" or her eyes.

I wrapped my hand around my shaft and slowly pushed myself inside of her "oh yeah" she mumbled in relief, putting her head back on the bed "you feel so good"

I rested up on my hands instead of my elbows so I can move faster and deeper.

When we have sex, I focus on both of us, mostly her then me but honestly, I get off to seeing her feel good.

Like seeing my girlfriend, the love of my life feeling this good because of me makes me feel amazing.

And I am very un-athletic, I have bad stamina but I started doing some exercises -even though I hate exercising- just to raise my stamina for her because I last long enough but I get tired easily.

But she doesn't have to know about the exercising.

I felt her hands grip my waist as I went harder and faster which made me smile a little to see her enjoying this a lot.

But she tried to be quiet because she worries about Elsie hearing us. We barely even have sex at her place and I don't mind at all. I love Elsie and the last thing I want to do is traumatize her.

"That's it baby, right there" she quietly said as she arched her back off the bed. I focused on the spot she liked and kept the same pace, feeling her starting to tighten around me.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head down, feeling myself get closer to my orgasm "fuck I'm so close" she mumbled, placing her hand just a little above my ass as I kept thrusting into her "me too"

"Oh god that feels so good" I mumbled, getting closer to the amazing feeling. She removed her hand from my body and put it on her mouth to muffle her moans "oh god" I added making her place her other hand on my mouth because we both know that I can get a bit loud.

You can't blame me. If you're having the best sex of your entire life with the most perfect woman ever, you'd be just as loud.

I stayed inside of her for a bit then pulled out after we both came.

I kissed her cheek then started kissing down her body, kissing her thighs and teasingly licking her clit because she likes when I do this.

She smiled as her body slightly shook "you're good at everything, it's unreal" after a few minutes, I gave her another orgasm "okay enough, I'm too sensitive" she said making me laugh as I went back to her face "I love you" she said smiling at me "I love when you say that.." I mumbled, pecking her lips "..I love you"

I stood up, took the condom off and put my boxers back on then laid down on the bed as she stood up to go to the bathroom "oh yeah.." she came back to me, still naked which made me oh so happy.

"..I bought more storage on my phone because you keep downloading every game you see on the ads and I didn't want to delete any of them because you like them" she said handing me her phone "you really do love me" I said making her laugh "don't be too full of yourself" she said making me laugh as I watched her walk to the bathroom.

I took a few selfies on her phone like I always do then started playing some games to make the time pass.

Then she walked out of the bathroom with another robe since she has a robe for every occasion. One for before getting into the shower, another one to wear after the shower, one to wear while she's getting ready for an event and one to wear when she's walking around her room.

So basically, she's rich and doesn't know where to spend her money. I love my women rich too. She makes me feel like a spoiled princess.

"Did you take fifty selfies like always?" She asked as she started doing her haircare routine. I stayed quiet "yes" I quietly said as I kept playing my new game "good. I have an album on my phone just for those photos"

"Wait really? I thought it annoys you. You always bully me for it" I said and she laughed "because bullying you is also my love language. I love those pictures. They make me so happy"

"You're so cute"

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