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Maya's POV

I took Crunch to Evelyn's house to show her around her second home. I honestly just wanted to see Evelyn but I didn't want to leave Crunch alone and she really likes to be carried around.

"And that's your little sister Elsie" I said about Elsie who ran towards me excitedly "can I hold Crunch?" She asked. I smiled and crouched down "of course but be careful with her"

Elsie's very gentle and well behaved. If I told her to be careful, she'll be careful.

I showed Elsie how to carry her "I'm gonna take her to my room" she whispered so she doesn't startle Crunch which made me laugh a little "okay" I whispered back and watched her go upstairs.

"Maya" I looked towards Evelyn and a big smile formed on my face "hi baby-" she placed her hands on my chest "get in the bathroom quickly"

She pushed me in the bathroom they had downstairs "what the fuck is going on?" I asked annoyed "I'll explain later" she pecked my lips and slammed the door shut in my fucking face.

Then I heard Charles' voice. Did she really have to push me in the fucking bathroom for this?

I stood close to the door so I can hear their conversation "I know Charles. I'm not a dumbass. This is not my first fundraiser that your mom is hosting. I know what to wear, what she'll like and what's appropriate so what the fuck do you want?"

Okay. At least she's rude to him.

"Oh come on, we haven't been hanging out a lot lately. You're my girlfriend at the end of the day" fuck no. She is technically his girlfriend but still, fuck no.

She's my girl. My future wife. The mother of my kitty. The woman I'm spending my entire life with.

"Yeah no" she answered making me smile because I can literally see her disgusted expression that she's giving him. That's my girl.

"Eve come on. I know we agreed that we can fuck other people but we also agreed that we fuck people we won't catch feelings for. Are you dating someone like seriously?" he said making me clench my jaw. I want to open the door and punch him so hard.

"Cause even when you fucked people, you would still let me fuck you but what changed? We haven't had sex for so long" atleast I know she's not lying to me and still sleeping with him.

"I'm not seeing anyone. I just don't wanna have sex with you, not a big deal" I backed away from the door and took a few deep breathes as I tried my best not to lose my shit.

She didn't have to lie.

She didn't have to mention my name, she can just say that she's dating someone and that it's very fucking serious.

We got a cat together. It's that serious.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go" I heard the sound of a kiss and I gripped the doorknob, waiting to hear the front door close which I did "you can come out babe" I opened the door roughly and went towards her "where did he kiss you?" I asked.

"What?" She asked confused "he kissed you before he left, where was the placement of the kiss?" I asked clenching my fists "cheek?" She said in a questioning tone "so lips" I said looking away from her.

"Baby I promise I didn't know it was coming.." she cupped my face and made me look at her "..please don't be mad"

"How can I not be mad?!" I closed my eyes and let out a breath "Let's go to your room. I don't want Elsie to hear this" I added going upstairs to her room.

I walked into her room and she walked in behind me, closing the door "why didn't you tell him you're dating me? Why didn't you at least tell him that you're dating someone?" I asked with a bit of defeat clear in my voice.

Evelyn stayed quiet then looked down "I don't know" she said making me laugh in disbelief "are you fucking kidding me? I'm here feeling like my heart is being played with by the woman I like so fucking much and all you have to say is 'I don't know' ?"

"You don't know how much it hurts me seeing you with him. I tell you about it, you apologize then go on with your life like nothing even happened"

She frowned her eyebrows as I spoke "baby you know I care about how you feel but I can't just break up with him-" i cut her off "why not?"

"I know you and I are completely different people and your dad obviously doesn't like me but we both know you don't care about what your dad says so what is it? Why won't you break up with him and be with me?"

She stayed quiet and looked down again, not saying anything "talk to me when you figure shit out"

I walked towards the door, wanting to leave but there is this question I want to ask her and if i don't, I'm going to go absolutely insane thinking of every possible answer she'll give me.

"Do you have feelings for him?" I asked turning to look at her again "no baby. We've just been together for so long, it'll be hard when we break up" tears started to gather in my eyes "so you do have feelings for him?"

She stepped closer to me as she played with her fingers nervously "you're my girlfriend. You're the one I have extreme feelings for. I definitely don't feel the same for him"

"But you feel something for him?" She sighed and looked away from me which felt like a fucking stab in the heart "wow. I'm a fucking idiot" I said before leaving her room and going toward Elsie's room to get Crunch.

I knocked lightly on the door and smiled at Elsie "has she been a good girl?" I asked Elsie who nodded her head while she was sitting on the floor with Crunch in her lap "she's so cute"

"I'd hate to take her away from you but I have to go home" I said calling over Crunch who came towards me "are you and Eve fighting?" Elsie asked me and I frowned my eyebrows a little. I didn't want her to hear us fighting.

"We had a disagreement but it's okay. Things like this happen" I explained even though I literally feel like jumping out of the window from what Evelyn said.

"But you're going to stay together, right?" I forced a smile on my face and nodded "yeah we are"

I'm not sure about that answer if I'm being honest.

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