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Evelyn's POV

The door opened showing John, Maya's dad "is Maya here?" I asked and he nodded "she's in her room but probably on the roof" he said as he closed the door after I walked in.

Wait what? On the roof?

"Why is she on the roof?" I asked confused "no one knows. She likes going on roofs when she's upset since she was little" fuck I really did mess up.

"Do you know why she's upset?" Linda asked making me look at her "I might have an idea. I'll go talk to her" I said making Linda smile "thank you" don't thank me, I'm the reason she's upset in the first place.

I went upstairs and knocked on the door of her room in case she's not on the roof and actually in her room like a normal person but I didn't get a response so I opened the door to see the room empty with the window opened.

I poked my head out of the window "you out there?" I asked hoping to get a response but I didn't, as expected. Then I saw smoke which confirmed the fact that she's on there smoking whatever it is.

How did she even get there?

I looked around to find a ladder but I didn't so I got out of her house and started looking around for one.

Eventually I made it to the roof "oh god" I said when I stepped on the roof. She turned to look at me as she inhaled smoke from the cigarette in between her index and middle finger. She didn't say anything and looked in front of her again.

I walked towards her carefully "I took the ladder from your neighbor. I'll give it back" I said sitting down beside her "don't. She's a bitch" she said still not looking at me. I laughed a little and sat beside her, leaving a bit of space in between us.

I wanted to speak up about what she saw but she stopped me before I even said anything "I don't wanna talk to you right now" that made my heart ache a little, but it's understandable.

"Okay" I simply said and sat in silence beside her. If she thinks I'm leaving then she's very wrong.

"Are you just gonna sit here in silence?" She asked with a cold tone "you said you didn't wanna talk to me, you didn't say that I have to leave"

"Then leave" I shook my head at what she said "I'm good" we sat there for a few minutes then she stood up, standing on the edge of the roof and before I even got to have a mini heart attack, she bent down, holding the edge of it and jumping like a crazy ass person.

I poke my head off the edge to make sure she wasn't on the floor, she actually made it in the room "that's not fair. I don't know how to do that" I groaned and went down the ladder, going towards the door again.

Linda opened the door and I smiled "sorry. Maya is Spider-Man or something" I said scratching the back of my neck nervously. She laughed "it's alright"

I went upstairs to Maya's room to see her laying on the bed "how did you even do that?" I asked closing the door "that was literally insane"

"I don't wanna talk to you" she said sitting up. I stayed quiet and she stood up "I don't wanna fucking see you either" her voice got louder as she stepped closer to me "acted like the fucking hero when you were the reason for the whole fucking problem. What kind of person does that?" She added.

"I'm sorry-" she cut me off "I don't fucking care if you're sorry or not. I need fucking time alone so leave!"

Even though what she said was hurting me a lot and I feel like I'm on the edge of crying but she has all the right to be this mad.

I hate admitting when I'm wrong but I fucked up big time.


Maya's POV

"You and Evelyn haven't talked today. That's not usual" Noel pointed out and I clenched my jaw at the mention of Evelyn "you okay?" She asked and I nodded, forcing a smile on my face.

"I'm amazing" I've been trying to be considerate of Noel's feelings since she slipped up once and said that she likes me so i don't like talking about other girls in front of her. That's bitchy and inconsiderate especially because I'm her friend and I'd like to keep it that way.

"You sure? I know you know that I kinda like.. like you or whatever but you can talk to me about anything" Noel is the sweetest soul to ever exist on earth.

And she is extremely beautiful. That's something undeniable but my heart is hung up on Evelyn and I fucking hate it.

"I am very sure. Actually I wanted to invite you tonight. My friends and I are gonna hang out at a restaurant we like, thought you'd wanna come" her eyes lit up and she nodded excitedly "okay. Just send me the address"

I'm kind of doing this because Gabi has been desperate for a relationship since her last relationship went shit a while ago and she wants to experience an actual healthy relationship and I thought I'd give it a shot.

This way, Noel can get over me so in case anything happens with me and some girl, she doesn't get hurt and also, get two of my friends together in a really nice and healthy relationship.

Gabi is the funniest and most energetic talkative person ever and Noel is the cutest and most amazing listener ever. They'll be a perfect match.

We walked towards class and I stepped in, my eyes landing on Evelyn who gave me a small smile but I just looked away. Still very pissed off.

It'll take a bit of time I guess.

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