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Screwed. That's what he was. Seungmin knew it as soon as he heard the familiar sound track playing in the room, his eyes switching between the boxing gloves, Changbin, whom he could see through the window, and Seungmin's opponent, who seemed at least twice his size. He could see Changbin grin, just barely making out Changbin's opponent; who's physique even Seungmin could have handled in this condition. The poor guy looked frightened, maybe even more than Seungmin was right now. He was going to play street fighter, and not the gaming version he sometimes played. He was going to have to do so in real life, probably for his life.

He slowly made his way to the gloves, his heart sunken. He knew he had to fight, keep up his spirits, believe in himself, and yet this only confirmed his suspicions, his worries. He wasn't going to make it out, and he knew it too. Even if he was fit there was no way he could have taken on his opponent, even Changbin would have had trouble with him, but in his current condition, he was just done for. Just looking at his opponent's confident smirk said enough. And so, when he finally met Changbin's eyes, he just sighed, gloves on, walking to the mirror, holding his hand on it.

"Seungmin?" Changbin called out, losing all focus of his own opponent. He scanned the room next to him, his eyes falling on Seungmin's opponent. Changbin cursed loudly, already banging on the glass. His own opponent he could handle with ease, but Seungmin wouldn't. Not when he looked at him like he had already given up. Why wasn't the glass breaking? Changbin banged and banged on it, but not even a scratch appeared. He switched ideas, running up to the door he had just entered from, but no luck there either, it was rock solid, and locked. "Seungmin, can you hear me?" Changbin shouted, running back up to the window.

"Focus on your own game," he heard from behind him, feeling a whack on his head, yet with one strong push his opponent already flew to the other side of the room. Changbin had no time to focus on that guy, what was in front of his own eyes was way more important. Seungmin nodded slowly, not even trying to fight as his opponent slowly made his way to him. "You have to use his own strength against him, okay? Try to avoid his punches, and use his speed against him to further push him. If you do get the chance to attack him, go for either his private part, his throat or the eyes. Seungmin, do you hear me?" Changbin asked again, seeing Seungmin do nothing but smile weakly.

"Hyung," Seungmin slowly started. "Chan is taking on so much, he tries to be strong, but he's struggling badly. You have to help him, take some of the load off him." Changbin stared at him in confusion, but Seungmin continued right away. "Minho can do so much, but the thing holding him back is his worries for Jisung. Please remind him of what he can do, and that Jisung will be fine too. You're going to need his strength in this." Changbin's eyes started welling up, knowing all too well what Seungmin was doing. "Wait-"

"Hyunjin is still stuck in the past, and though his rage is what got him through then, you have to make sure he keeps his cool in here. As for Jisung, there is so much he's capable of, but he just doesn't want to show it. He's hiding behind Minho, but please remind him that you need him too, especially medically. Felix seems to have taken a liking to Y/N too, so make sure he takes good care of her, and doesn't forget to take care of himself. Jeongin is a sweetheart, but a complete airhead, so keep a good eye on him that he doesn't get himself in trouble. Y/N..." Seungmin paused for a second, barely avoiding a punch from behind. "She's someone who can hold the world, but is too scared to do so. So when I'm not there, you have to be there for her okay? Please remind her of how great of a person she is, that she is loved, and that in the end she's the one that was able to make me happy again."

While Changbin once again hit his opponent away, he watched Seungmin get dragged away from the window, thrown to the ground. "As for you, Changbin," Seungmin still continued, his nose already bleeding. "Don't blame yourself, okay? Thank you for having been like a big brother to me." Something, anything. He had to do something to save Seungmin. And only then did he finally turn to his opponent, walking to him with big steps, his eyes on fire. He took off the boxing gloves, shoving them to the side, grabbing the guy by his collar. "How do I get in the other room?" he questioned him, his voice quivering in rage.

Without waiting another second, Changbin hit him right in the face. "I asked you a question! How do I save Seungmin!" Another punch, followed by a loud scream. "I don't know! I swear I don't know," the guy cried out. "I was just here for the money, I had no idea this was what I'd be put up with! Please, I just want to get out of here." And yet, Changbin couldn't even think of sparing him. Maybe if he beat his opponent completely, he'd be able to get out of this room, into the other. And so, while Changbin was beating up his opponent, with every punch growing stronger and stronger, Seungmin was growing weaker and weaker, his breathing stocking as he had two hands wrapped around his neck, his blurry vision only barely making out the enjoyment on his opponents face. He closed his eyes again, knowing that there was nothing he could do. His body had no strength left, and rather than to fight it, he had already come to accept it. At least now he knew the love of his life would be left in good hands.

And while the speakers louded the letters "K.O.", Changbin was already too late, only seeing Seungmin's body laying still on the ground, his chest no longer rising or falling, his opponent still continuing to hit him over and over, before his body fell through the ground, into a hole going who knows where. And only then did Changbin realize that from the start on, Seungmin had given up. Even beforehand, he had already tried to tell him. He had no strength left to begin with, and he knew it.

He knew he wasn't going to see him on the other side.

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