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Athena's POV

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Athena's POV

"I really don't wanna go" I whined to my best friend making her laugh "saying that as you're putting the most effort to get ready"

It was true. I was trying so hard to make everything about me look perfect tonight.

I'm going to some fancy bar since my dad and many other business people are going to be there and me being his daughter, he wants me to be there.

The only thing that's making me actually want to go is that I just recently got into modeling so I might find a person who'll help me get a good modeling job that will profit me as an upcoming model.

Also, hot rich people. I hope they're not as old as my dad. I'd kill myself.

I don't like my dad but he doesn't like me either so it's fine. We've never been close. It was only my mom and I until she passed away almost three years ago.

My dad and I tried getting closer and have a better relationship but I still have the image of my angry strict dad that yelled at me over everything and hit me whenever he got mad. I simply can't see him as an actual healthy father figure.

Sure, my mom would yell at me and things but she's a parent, parents yell at their kids but my dad was just insane.

Yell at me, okay. I'd be sad for the moment but motherfucker would yell at me for the smallest shit. It made me get so anxious and scared to even talk around him.

My mom tried calming him down but he'd just push her away and leave the house to go wherever.

Am I still traumatized because of my dad? For fucking sure, but am I going to stop being his daughter? Unfortunately not.

"I wish you could come with me" I said to Georgia, my best friend "I love you but I am definitely not in the mood to deal with old rich people and I have studying to do. You'll be fine, everyone loves you"

"Do you really think they're all gonna be old rich people?" I asked. She laughed "is that the only thing you heard me say?" She asked and I just shrugged "no. Maybe they'll be hot or like daughters of business men" she added.

I'm gay by the way.

Also, my dad doesn't adore me for being gay. He literally denies that shit even though I told him many times that I like women. He just doesn't want to accept it so he makes me live in his own world where I'm straight and like men.

I used to be bisexual but then had absolutely no attraction to men. Just to my pretty women.

But I don't care about what my dad thinks anymore. I grew out of the phase where everyone's opinions affect me.

"I gotta go" I fake cried making Georgia laugh and give me a tight hug "you're gonna be just fine, go be the hottest girl in the room"


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