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Athena's POV

I was at Natalie's beautiful house, sitting on the high stool in front of her kitchen island as she cooked me something that smells absolutely amazing.

I wanted to help her but she wanted me to relax and talk to her.

But I felt a little guilty because the only thing I have been thinking about for the past few days is Victoria.

And I am still thinking about her in this moment where Natalie is moving her body slowly to the music that was playing in the background and cooking for me.

I shouldn't have jumped into conclusions but neither of us even seem to think before speaking during an argument.

She gets mad which makes me get mad and I don't think that's healthy at all especially if it was a long term relationship instead of whatever this is.

I think Natalie would be good for me. She keeps me sane and she's the complete opposite of me personality wise which makes us complete each other somehow.

I have a short temper, she's calm and collected. That's what I need in a partner.

Someone to be able to maintain their anger as I'm letting out mine so they can talk to me normally and how I should be calming down instead of being upset.

I need Sanity and security in many ways. If I was with Victoria I'd need constant reassurance that I'm the only one in her life since she barely expresses how she feels about me directly but with Natalie, I feel safer.

Even though it's exciting with Victoria but I want something boring and loving, not something thrilling.

I want to come home and cuddle with my girlfriend without fighting over the smallest shit, instead we talk things out calmly.

I might be wrong about Victoria. She might be different if we get in a relationship but I can't guarantee that.

I can't guarantee Natalie staying the amazing woman she is to me either.

I don't know what to do.

"What's on that beautiful mind of yours?" Natalie asked holding my waist from behind and kissing my shoulder "just things" I said pecking her lips.

The next song started playing through the speakers making Natalie smile widely "oh baby, you sure looking fine" she lip synced with so much passion making me laugh.

She placed a soft kiss on my neck then went around the kitchen island to check on the food she was cooking.

A line of the song went by then she held up a wooden spoon to her mouth and turned around to face me "maybe we should start over" she sang passionately as she held the edge of the island from the other side.

She placed the wooden spoon down and held my hand, pulling me off the chair as she kept lip syncing the lyrics "I've changed my way, not hanging out with the boys ooh every day" we started dancing as I laughed at how she was lip syncing.

"You can ask our kids, they'll tell ya I'm a good dad now" she sang smirking at me. I laughed at what she said and she moved a little so now she wrapped my own arms around me as held them and stood behind me "I see you're still single, still haven't found someone"

She let go of one hand and held my chin, making me look at her as she had her head above my shoulder while she was still rocking us side to side "and to me you'll always be my number one" she lip synced making me smile and kiss her.

We kept kissing for a bit then she turned me around, holding my waist and pulling me so close to her "I smell something burnt" her eyes widened at my statement and she went towards the stove making me laugh and rest back on the kitchen island.

"Okay we're okay, the food is looking perfect" she turned to look at me again and smiled, resting her hands on the kitchen island I was resting on and trapping me between her arms "you are looking perfect as well" she added making me blush and look down shyly.

"You have to admit, that was one hell of a performance" she said and I nodded, placing my hand on the side of her neck "it was. I loved it"

I pecked her lips a few times "you better have, I don't perform like that for anyone" I laughed at what she said making her smile "I did love it, so much"

This is the love I want to have in my life.

I don't want something toxic and unhealthy. I want stability so bad.

I want my everyday to be like this one. Just filled with so much happiness.

I can't deny the strong feelings I have for Victoria because they are there and they're also very powerful but the feelings I have for Natalie are so much more peaceful.

Being woken up by someone who calls me beautiful or pretty constantly, someone who's so open with me that they dance like they're on drugs while cooking for me.

I have to put myself first.

But Victoria...

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now