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Athena's POV

"Good morning, pretty girl" I smiled at Natalie and gave her a hug. We're out on breakfast together. She said she doesn't have much work to do and wanted me to go with her to her favorite restaurant so I agreed because I have nothing better to do.

"I got you a little present" she said taking a box out of her pocket. She opened it and showed a pretty bracelet "you shouldn't have" she held my hand and kissed it "it's the least I can do for my not-date" I laughed at what she called me as she placed the bracelet around my wrist.

We agreed that it wasn't a date since we both didn't want something serious.

We went inside of the restaurant then the waiter lead us to our table. Natalie pulled the chair out for me "I can't with all of this gentleness" I said making her laugh. I sat down and she leaned down to get to the level of my face "get used to it" she quietly said before placing a kiss on my cheek.

She sat in front of me as we started looking at the food on the menu. The waiter came and Natalie fist bumped him "how is your rich ass doing?" He asked. Natalie laughed "I'm good, how are you?"

"Amazing.." he looked over at me and smirked "..how are you gorgeous? I'm Arnie" he said kind of in a flirty tone. Natalie hit his stomach "ow what the fuck?" He said holding the place she hit. She just raised her eyebrows at him and he nodded "oh you're on a date"

We both shook our head at what he said "so why can't I shoot my shot?" Natalie laughed and shook her head "just take our order dude"

We ordered our food then started talking about a few things, getting to know each other a bit more.

"You're a very fun person to talk to" I said placing my chin on the palm of my hand as I rested my elbow on the table "Thank you. You are too, you're like my favorite person to talk to now" she said making me smile "good because when I get comfortable.. I will make you lose your mind" I am so talkative when it comes to people I'm comfortable around.

"I could listen to you talk for hours" she said making me blush a little "I don't know how to answer that" I said scratching the back of my neck nervously "you don't have to say anything"


Natalie and I were roughly making out as we were right outside of my apartment "you have time to come inside with me?" I asked. She looked at her watch and shrugged "I can be a little late"

I smiled and went back to making out with her. I pulled back to unlock the door and she pushed me in with her lips still on mine.

I held her hand and took her towards my room. She unzipped the dress for me and kissed my neck "you gonna let me make you feel good baby?" She whispered, pressing herself against me from behind "yeah" I said quietly.

Her lips kissing and sucking on my neck felt so good.

I turned around and let the dress fall from my body "well we don't have any more time to waste" I said making her smirk and kiss me as she pushed me back until my legs hit the bed.

I fell back on the bed then rested up on my elbows as she started taking off her clothes. She smiled at me as she got on top of me with only her underwear on now "you're so beautiful" she said before kissing me again.

Her hand was touching all over my body, it gave me goosebumps and just made my body heat up as she moved down to kiss my neck.

I felt her hand sneak into my panties and rub my very sensitive clit gently making me arch my back and let out a moan "that feels good baby, hm?" She whispered in my ear rubbing me faster.

"So good" I mumbled as I rested on the bed with my head thrown back in pleasure.

Sometimes, I like gentle and soft and this is one of the times. Especially because it feels incredibly good. She's fucking good with her fingers.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed every movement she did. Her finger moving on my clit and her other hand touching my body so gracefully which made me feel so amazing about myself.

Then I felt her stop rubbing me which made me lift my head up and look at her. She pulled my panties down as she held eye contact with me while I was smiling excitedly at what she's going to do next.

Whatever it is, I know it's going to feel good.

She smirked at me and kissed my stomach then kissed down my thighs as I spread them apart even more to give her as much access as she needed.

Her kisses moved closer and closer to my pussy but I guess she loved the teasing a lot "Nat, please" I begged impatiently then I felt her tongue on my clit as it slowly moved down in between my folds making me moan.

I put my head back on the pillow and let out a breathe in relief as her tongue entered me.

Then after a bit of more teasing, she started sucking on my clit harshly making my back arch off the bed "0h my god, Nat" I moaned out as my fingers ran through her hair "keep going please" I begged as I felt my stomach fill with butterflies.

My whole body was getting hot as her finger entered me very slowly but it made me feel some type of way for some reason. It just felt so good.

"Oh yeah, right there" I was surprised that this is actually making me feel good. I always liked it fast and rough but it's Natalie so everything feels good.

I pushed her head more into me as I moaned loudly "fuck baby, fuck" she kept going even though I already came but then she stopped and pulled her finger out of me.

Natalie laid down next to me. We were both trying to catch our breathe "I think my new favorite thing is having casual sex with you" I laughed at what Natalie said "it was fucking amazing" I said then lifted my head up to look at her "you want me to make you feel good too baby?" I added rubbing her stomach gently.

She shook her head with a smile on her face "I'm okay, I just wanted you to feel good"

I placed my head on her chest and wrapped my arm around her stomach then her phone started ringing "give me a second" she said. I got off her and she stood up, she took her phone and answered the call "I'll be there" she said then hung up.

"I really wanna stay but I have to go" she said getting on top of me and kissing my lips "it's okay. Let me iron your shirt for you before you go" I said making her smile "you don't have to"

"I know" I stood up, putting a silk robe on and taking her shirt to iron it. She came towards me, wearing her pants and wrapped her arms around me from behind "I had fun" she said kissing my neck "I did too" I said smiling.

I gave her the shirt and she started buttoning it then grabbed her jacket not putting it on yet "I'll talk to you later" she said pecking my lips "okay"

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