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Natalie's POV

The door opened and I was met by Athena who had a blanket wrapped around her body "hi" she said coughing a little making me pout and cup her face "are you sick baby?" I asked and she nodded "a little"

I stepped inside of her apartment and carried her bridal style making her laugh a little "what are you doing?" She asked me as I took her towards her room "taking amazing care of my baby because she's sick"

I placed her down on her bed and leaned in to kiss her lips but she stopped me "what?" I asked, frowning my eyebrows in confusion "I don't want you to get sick"

I rolled my eyes at her and kissed her lips "I have the immunity of an ostrich" I said making her laugh "why an ostrich?" She asked with a raspy sick voice "I think they have the strongest immune system"

"Now ma'am, I have to leave for a bit and I'll come back in just a bit. Rest and let me take care of you"  I said moving some hair away from her face as she smiled at me "thank you for this baby" she said holding my cheek.

"No need to thank me"

I kissed her forehead then went to the kitchen, looking for the things I need to make her some soup and hot tea.

As I was waiting for the soup to finish cooking, I filled a bowl with water and a bit of ice to make it colder then took an unused towel from the drawer.

I went to her in her room and she smiled weakly at me when she saw me walk in.

"Your forehead burned my lips baby" I said making her laugh a little as I sat on the edge beside her. I took the wet towel and placed it gently on her forehead after squeezing out access water.

She sighed "that feels nice" she mumbled closing her eyes, letting a few tears fall down her cheek "why are you crying baby?" I asked which made her laugh.

"I'm not crying. My body temperature is so fucked up that it's making me tear up a little" she said with her eyes still closed.

I smiled and wiped away the tears then put the towel in the water again, moving it on her face a little then down her neck "oh yeah that feels good" she said making me laugh and place the towel on her forehead again.

"Do you have a headache baby?" I asked rubbing her cheek with my thumb gently "yeah but I took some painkillers when I woke up"

"I'll get you some pills" I put the towel in the water again then placed it on her forehead once more. I kissed her cheek making her smile "I'll be right back, pretty"

"Trust me I'm not going anywhere" she said to me as I walked out of her room. I laughed a little and took the soup, placing it beside the tea on the wooden tray that she had.

I carried the tray to her room "I smell chicken soup" she said with her eyes closed "you're very right"

I helped her sit up and put the towel on the nightstand beside her then set the tray on her lap. I sat beside her then slapped her hand when she reached out to the spoon making her look at me in shock "I'm gonna feed you"

"Quick, I'm hungry" she said opening her mouth so I can feed her which I did.

After she finished eating and drinking a bit of tea, I stood up and took the tray to the kitchen then got her some pills for her headache.

I gave them to her and handed her the bottle of water "is there anything you need?" I asked her and she shook her head "I just wanna cuddle with you right now"

I got in bed with her and pulled her into my embrace, placing a soft kiss on her head as she cuddled more into me and placed one leg over me making me smile.

After a few minutes of me scratching the back of her head gently, I looked down at her to see her eyes closed with her mouth opened but she was still very quiet.

I get it, when I get sick and my temperature is high, I have to breathe from every hole possible. I feel like I'm suffocating.

And even Athena's face was red and hot. I just hope she wakes up tomorrow feeling better.

Athena's POV

"You okay?" I looked up at Natalie who was laying under me but she didn't seem like she was asleep like me.

"It's so hot, I'm sweating" I said groaning at the uncomfortable feeling but I'm not in the mood to even get out of bed to change "you want me to make you a bath baby?" She asked "no it's okay, you can go back home if you want"

"I'll make you a bath" she said getting up as I smiled, watching her go to the bathroom "make it a little cold" I said a bit loudly so she can hear it "yes ma'am"

You can only dream about someone like Natalie.

I don't think anyone ever took care of me like she does.

I appreciate her staying with me when I'm sick and even touching me, not giving a single shit if she gets the sickness or not.

And I think it's so cute how she made me soup, fed me and stayed with me as I laid on her while I was disgustingly sweating.

"Your bath is ready for you, my love" she said approaching me and carrying me off the bed "you're gonna help me get naked by the way" I said as she took me to the bathroom "ohh spicy" I laughed at what she said as she put me down.

Natalie helped me pull my shirt off and the pants as well "I can do the rest" I said when I saw her yawning. My baby is probably so tired "yell my name if you need anything, I'm staying the night to take care of you"

She's so amazing to me.


A/N:Victoria or Natalie🤨🤨🤨

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