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Athena's POV

Victoria was telling me some jokes that were really making me laugh because they're literally the stupidest dad jokes ever but she was suddenly pushed back slightly making us lose physical contact from one another.

I looked at Natalie confused on why she pushed Victoria which gained a few of the people's attention "are you fucking insane?" Victoria said fixing her suit and standing straight up again.

"You took the deal and you don't even fucking need it. You did it so I don't get it" Natalie said getting angrier by the second. I held her arm to stop her from getting closer to Victoria so it doesn't turn physical.

"Let's go outside" I said making Victoria look at me and look back at Natalie waiting for an answer "now" I demanded making Natalie relax and step back so she can go outside. I followed her with Victoria following behind me.

The last thing I wanted and expected tonight is a fight between two women I mess around with.

"Okay talk like mature people instead of fighting and screaming" I said standing in between them with my arms crossed. I feel like a mom right now.

"Tell your girlfriend to apologize for being childish and pushing me like that then we'll talk" Victoria said with her hands behind her back as she glared at Natalie.

I looked at Natalie who took a deep breathe and clenched her fists "you apologize for stealing my fucking deal" she said raising her voice.

Victoria stepped closer to her and shook her head "no no no Nat, let's not yell like that.." she said calmly with her hands still behind her back as she turned to look at me "..might push this beautiful woman away from you. Oh actually yell, in that way I can have her all to myself"

I looked over at Natalie who clenched her jaw and walked past Victoria, hitting her shoulder with Victoria's purposely as she walked.

"She really wanted that deal" I said, Victoria shrugged her shoulders "too bad"

She turned her body to face me and looked down at me "you were mean to her" Victoria laughed at what I said and stepped even closer to me "you can go check on your pretty little princess to see if she's crying about it"

"I understand her anger. You are very triggering and frustrating" Victoria didn't find that offensive at all, she just smiled at me "thank you. I try to be"

"You're unbelievable" I said shaking my head in disbelief. Her hand moved up to hold my chin gently and tilt it upwards "yes I am" she said quietly before pressing her lips against mine.

Our small short make-out session was aggressive and rough "I really have to go check on her" I said pulling back from the kiss. She ignored what I said and held my waist, kissing me again.

"She's a big girl. She can take care of herself" she said against my lips. Her hand went down to my ass, gripping it gently which made me moan into her mouth "now, let me take care of you" she added pulling me even closer to her.

"I'm gonna leave" we both pulled back from the kiss and looked towards Natalie who was carrying her jacket "thought I'd let you know" I looked at Victoria who looked at me with an unreadable look.

I didn't say anything but she seemed to take the hint "whatever" Victoria mumbled before walking back inside.

I wanted to call for her but I had to choose to either talk to her right now or to Natalie and Natalie is already upset, I want to check on her and I can talk to Victoria after.

"I'll walk you to your car" I said to Natalie and she smiled a little, nodding her head.

As we were walking to her car, I looked over at her and interlocked our fingers together which made her slightly smile "I'll talk to you tomorrow" she said stopping next to her car "are you okay?" I asked and she smiled, nodding her head "I'm okay. I shouldn't have snapped like that, I'm sorry"

"It's okay. I understand that you were annoyed" I said and she smiled, pulling me into a tight hug.

I'd rather not bring up the fact that she saw Victoria and I making out because it's awkward but if she brings it up then.. fuck me.

"I'm sorry I had to leave early-" I cut her off and backed away from the hug "don't worry about it" I said and she raised her eyebrows, nodding her head as she looked to the side with an annoyed expression "you have her to hang out with, right I forgot"

"Hey, no need to be jealous. You're still my favorite to hang out with. Vic can be a bit weird" I said making her laugh as she switched her attention back on me "damn I didn't take you as the type to talk shit about people you claim you like " she said and I shrugged "I'm not. I'm pretty sure I called her weird a few times"

Natalie let out a laugh making me smile "you can still come with me" she said stepping closer to me and looking down at me with her sexy ass eyes "we'll go get some food from one of my favorite places then we can go back to my place"

"That is a very tempting offer" my mind wandered off to Victoria. I don't care if she doesn't like the fact that I'm leaving. She kind of pissed me off because of what she did to Natalie and I just want to have fun tonight.

I can be sure about having fun with Natalie tonight because she's a fun happy person but I'm at risk at having fun when I'm with Victoria because she's very closed off and moody.

I'd rather take the option that I'm sure will end nicely.

"Okay" I said making Natalie smile very widely "good" she ran to the passenger's side of the door and opened it for me "my beautiful lady" she said making me laugh "thank you"

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