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Athena's POV

"Where the fuck are your clothes?"

I turned around and placed my hand on my heart when I saw Victoria "are you fucking insane? You were gonna fucking kill me" I said making her laugh as she stepped closer to me.

"You doing a naked photoshoot or something?" She asked looking me up and down. I rolled my eyes at her "I'm not naked. I'm in a bikini but yes, I'm doing a photoshoot in this" I said as I put the see-through robe over my body.

Dexter wanted this so I'm giving it to him. And I'm too sexy to not be showing it off.

"That's it? No more clothes?" She asked. I frowned my eyebrows when I noticed that she did not like this "yeah and what about it?" I asked raising my eyebrows as I crossed my arms over my chest.

She clenched her jaw and stayed quiet, not saying anything knowing none of it is going to be in her favor.

I'm going to ruin her if she wants to start controlling the way I dress.

"Gotta go" I said walking out my dressing room to go start the photoshoot.

I went in front of the cameras and saw Dexter shaking Victoria's hand who stood behind him as he sat down on his regular chair.

Her arms were crossed as she looked at me so intensely. I felt Carmen's arm wrap around my shoulder making me smile.

I've grown so close to the other models, especially Carmen. She's so amazing, funny and easy to talk to.

"Your girl is so jealous. Let's kiss" Carmen said making me laugh a little "I swear you're like in love with me" I said to her making her shrug "yeah no shit. Real friends are a little in love with each other"

"Real" then Dexter told us to pose for him since we're doing this photoshoot together and I noticed that Victoria was now sitting down on a chair they brought out for her, still staring at me.

She had her elbow placed on the arm of the chair as she rubbed her chin while looking in between Carmen and I "oooo she about to kill me" Carmen whispered in my ear making me laugh a little as they kept taking pictures of us.

Carmen stood behind me, wrapping her arms around my neck as I held her forearm while we were looking into the camera.

I took a glance at Victoria who was sitting with her ankle of her leg over the knee of her other leg while she was moving it a little with one of her hands rubbing her chin in frustration as the other just rested on the arm of the chair since it was casted.

I don't get it. Carmen is my friend but if she wants to be jealous of her then let her be jealous.

She does look kinda sexy though.

We finished taking the pictures and everything "go to your girl" Carmen said before walking away.

I went to Victoria who stood up and towered over me. I'll never get over how tall she is.

"Let's go to my dressing room" I said biting my lip as I took my hand in hers, taking her to my dressing room.

"Does you hand hurt you?" I asked after we stepped into the dressing room "seeing someone else like that with you hurts more" she said making me turn to look at her "you can't be jealous of Carmen. She's literally just my friend"

"I literally don't care" she smashed her lips on mine making me suck in a deep breathe.

After a few seconds, I backed away "wait.. show me your teeth" I said and she smiled showing the tooth gems and grillz????

Helloooo??? This is the sexiest thing I've witnessed.

"You like em?" She asked lowering herself a little "they're so fucking sexy" I said making her laugh as I kept looking at her teeth

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"You like em?" She asked lowering herself a little "they're so fucking sexy" I said making her laugh as I kept looking at her teeth.

"Should I get your name on my bottom teeth?" She asked and I bit my lip with a smile on my face "I'd literally marry you"

Victoria made a disgusted face at me and pulled back "ew no. I'd rather kill myself" I laughed at her blunt rudeness and slapped her chest playfully before kissing her again "your phone is ringing" I said to her, backing away from the kiss.

She groaned loudly as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, answering it and putting it up to her ear.

As she was talking to whoever it is, she held my hand and pulled me towards the couch I had in my dressing room. She sat down and pulled me down so I can sit on her lap which I did and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

Her arm was wrapped around my waist, rubbing my skin so softly then she hung up "what do you have to do tonight?" She asked me and I thought about it for a bit then shook my head "i don't think I have anything to do. Why?"

"I have this gala tonight. I want you to come with me" she said and my eyes widened. Natalie might have invited me as well and I just remembered that I have to give her an answer which I didn't yet.

I got off Victoria's lap and sat beside her "what?" She asked confused on why I got off her lap. I turned my body so I'm facing her "Natalie might have asked me to go too" her face expressions changed immediately and she looked away from me "of course she did"

"Go with her then" she said standing up and fixing her suit. I stood up with her and held her hand "baby don't be mad" I said as she looked at me with annoyance "I'm not mad. It's whatever"

Victoria's POV

It's not whatever.

But I'm not going to tell her that my heart hurts whenever she mentions someone she's "messing around" with. Aka Natalie.

I hate to admit it but Natalie can be charming. Girls like her because she's all sweet and gentle and whatever.

Sure, girls like me but they come to me, we fuck and they leave. I just want someone to actually love me.

I'm a bit fucked up, I know but when am I going to meet the one girl that doesn't care that I'm fucked up? The girl that'll stay no matter how bitchy I can be?

I have tried to stop being bitchy to girls and be nice but it's just something about me that they don't like. Maybe they know I'm faking it or something.

But sweet little Natalie is always going to replace me.

When I gain feelings for a girl after we have sex, I don't even get the chance to tell her because they'll always be all over Natalie since we both have to be at the same events almost all the time.

It hurts so much.

Being alone hurts so much.

Athena pecked my lips "I'll be there though" she said smiling at me.

Yeah with Natalie.

I just know that she'll forget I'm even there and be with Natalie the whole night.

"Yeah. See you there"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now