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Athena's POV

"Good morning baby" Victoria said wrapping her arms around me from behind. I smiled and rested my head back on her chest "good morning"

"What are you making?" She asked kissing the side of my head "omelette. The way you like it"

"I love you" she said kissing my neck gently as she moved us side to side slowly "I love you" I answered, placing my hand over her hands that were on my stomach.

I finished making the breakfast and we sat down to eat it "is it good?" I asked her and she hummed "so good" she said with a mouthful of food.

"Can you braid my hair after we finish eating? Two French braids?" She asked making me smile and nod my head "of course baby"

After we finished eating, we washed our hands and I was waiting for Victoria who came after a few minutes since she went to pee and sat down on the floor in front of me as I sat on the couch.

I brushed her hair gently, making sure not to hurt her even though nothing hurts this girl but I'm still going to be careful with her.

I started braiding the first side of her hair as she put on some music, singing along to it "stay still baby" I said laughing. She sat still as I continued to braid her hair.

I finished it and let her go look at it in the mirror "it's so good!" I heard her excitedly say from the bathroom. I turned my head to see her stepping out of the room with a huge smile on her face "you look pretty" I complimented making her blush.

She sat beside me and placed her head on my chest "do you wanna go to Paris?" Victoria said very randomly making me look down at her as she gently made circles on my stomach "what?"

"Let's go to Paris.." she lifted her head off my chest to look at me "..we can stay there for as long as we want. It'll be so much fun with you"

"What about work?" I asked her and she smiled "I'm your boss, baby" right I keep forgetting that.

"If you don't wanna do it, it's okay. I just thought it would be a nice idea" she nervously said making me smile. I caressed her cheek gently "I'd love to go to Paris with you"

Her eyes lit up and she pecked my lips "I love you"


"What do you think of the place?"

I turned to look at Victoria with a shocked look on my face. The hotel suite she got for us in Paris is the most beautiful suite ever. It's pretty and cozy, not too big but I know it was expensive.

It's one of those vintage hotels that you see on tv. It definitely makes you feel like you're in Paris because of the way it's designed.

"I love it baby. How much did you pay for it?" She held my waist and kissed my lips "don't worry about that right now. You wanna go out or stay in tonight?" She asked pulling me closer to her.

"Stay in, I'm a bit tired" I said and she nodded, kissing my cheek "okay"

Victoria got in shower and as I was about to change, I had a bit of an exciting idea if you know what I mean.

I stepped into the bathroom, stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower with her. She opened her eyes and smiled at me "hey you"

She looked down at my body "I fucking love every inch of you" she mumbled, pulling me closer to her and getting me under the shower head with her.

We started making out and I moved my hand down her stomach "I thought you're tired" she said "never too tired for this"

I started to tease her which annoyed her so much. She turned us around, pinned me against the wall and started kissing me roughly.

She moved down to my neck and started to harshly suck on my skin just the way I like it.

"You're not allowed to tease me like that" she mumbled into my ear "yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" I asked her with a small smile on my face.

The way the water is going down her body is so sexy.

She smirked a little and got down on her knees in front of me. She lifted one of my legs and placed it over her shoulder.

Her hands were gripping my thighs as she placed small kisses on my inner thighs, dangerously close to my pussy because she knows how horny I am.

I whined and reached down to touch myself but she slapped my hand away "don't be so fucking needy baby. Be patient" woah.

That genuinely made me feel things I have never felt before.

All the amazing feelings I used to get from like.. smoking, drinking, riding rollercoasters and doing stupid shit that gives me adrenaline, I get from Victoria.

I don't even want to smoke or drink when I'm around her.

I want to be fully here.

I want to live every second I have with her.

I want to form perfectly pure and clear memories with her.

I want to feel every little touch, hear every word she says and just let it do its thing to me.

Victoria doesn't like doing stupid shit but she has no problem doing it with me which makes me really happy and gives me a lot of reassurance.

But also in return, I do things that she likes even if it's out of my comfort zone.

A healthy relationship is all about sacrifices and trying new things. I hated doing that but everything I do with Victoria is worth it.

I felt Victoria's lips wrap around my clit making me moan and put my head back on the wall. She started sucking on it harshly and I felt her push two fingers inside of me.

I smiled a little, liking how rough she can be.

I ran my fingers through her wet hair and pulled it a little when she went harder and faster "fuck baby, keep going please"


"You wanna order something to eat from the hotel?" Victoria asked me as she stayed on top of me while holding my thigh to make me wrap my leg around her "yeah I'm pretty hungry"

She nodded and pecked my lips before laying on the bed beside me "what are you craving right now?" She asked me "the juiciest steak and mashed potatoes, also French fries would be nice. I'll eat your meal too if you don't mind" I sarcastically said making her laugh.

"Whatever makes you happy" she picked the phone up and dialed the number so she can order from the hotel.

She started ordering and I turned to look at her when I heard her speaking perfect French.

I don't know French so I don't know if it's actually perfect but it sounds exactly the same as French people.

Even though I just had two mind-blowing orgasms, I'm so turned on.

She hung up and smiled at me "you speak French" I stated in shock "I speak French" she confirmed with a little laugh after.

"Why didn't I know that? It's literally perfect. I learn two words from a language and start flexing it in front of everyone" she laughed at what I said "I learned French when I was so young. I flexed it enough"

"My baby is full of talents" I said rubbing her abs as I kissed her lips "mhm"


A/N:tell me what you guys want to read in the story before I end it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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