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Athena's POV

I walked into the floor that Victoria's office is at and went towards her office, hoping I'd find her but I was stopped by her assistant.

"Miss Solace?" I smiled at the pretty girl as she gave me a soft smile back and nodded my head "Miss Walter told us we'd be expecting you but she's currently in a meeting so you're gonna have to wait for a bit. I can get you some coffee if you'd like"

"No it's okay, I'll get some myself" she nodded her head and gave me directions to the coffee machine they have.

I walked towards it and looked around the very beautiful place. My eyes landed on a certain room that was made out of glass walls and had a long table inside it with maybe ten or fifteen people sitting around it.

My eyes landed on Victoria who looked absolutely bored. She had her elbow resting on the table and her head resting on her fist as she just glared at everyone.

Okay so the scary mean personality is definitely not an act.

She looked down at the paper in front of her then her eyes landed on me. Her face expressions changed completely and she sat up as if she has been waiting so impatiently to see me.

She stood up from her chair and went towards the door, sliding it open "the meeting isn't done yet-" one of the guys said "finish it without me" she said as she kept her eyes on me the whole time.

"Hey you" I said. She wrapped her arms tightly around my waist and hugged me, making me laugh a little "you missed me?" I asked after we backed away from the hug "so much" she mumbled.

She looked down at my outfit "I love the suit on you" she said making me smile "thank you. I feel very classy"

"You were on your way to get coffee?" She asked interlocking her fingers with mine and leading us towards the coffee machine "yes and to discuss the job you're giving me. Hopefully you didn't forget"

"I could never forget anything related to you" she said making me blush as she started making us some coffee "what's the job you'd like? I'll let you be the owner of the company if you want. Take my place. Just say it and it's all yours" she said holding my waist and pulling me closer to her.

"I'm serious, Vic" I said wrapping my arms around her neck "I am too. Just tell me the job you prefer and it's all yours. You can even sit in my office, look pretty and I'd still pay you" I laughed a little and pecked her cheek.

"I think I've had enough of being payed to look pretty" I said as she removed her hands from my waist to add what she wanted to the coffee "that sounds like a flex" she said making me laugh "kinda but I wanna actually do something here"

"If it makes you happy then of course"


"Did you have fun today?" Victoria asked me as we were walking around since the weather was nice. I looked at her and she looked a little nervous "I did. It was really fun" I said making her smile as she kept looking in front of her.

I know she sees me looking at her but Victoria is such a nervous shy woman when you get to actually know her. It's so adorable.

She took me to the movies then we went to play arcade games which was the most fun I've ever had in my entire life.

She really is trying to show me how much she has changed. Everything is so perfect right now and my feelings for her have never been more clear.

I fell for this woman harder than I have ever fell for anyone. Even when she was toxic and emotionally closed off, she had me on my knees for her so imagine how I am right now.

She could run me over with a goddamn truck and I'd be smiling like an idiot.

I pecked her cheek before looking in front of me again. I took a glance at her and saw her cheeks a bit red at what I did. Ugh my heart.

After a while of walking, we went to her car and she drove me back home as we listened to some music, her hand holding mine the entire time.

She parked her car "you don't have to-" she cut me off "we're not gonna have this argument everytime. I want to walk you to your apartment" I just smiled at her and nodded.

We haven't kissed yet believe it or not. She really does want to take it slow.

We got up to my apartment and I turned to look at her after unlocking my door.

Come on Vic. Kiss meeee.

I would do it but I'm too nervous to lean in first.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I said breaking the silence. She nodded her head with a smile on her face "yeah" come onnnnnn.

"Goodnight" I added, still not backing into my apartment. Get the goddamn hint woman.

She stepped closer to me and I stood straight up since I was putting more weight on one of my legs. I'm excited.

She slowly leaned in and I closed my eyes, ready to feel her lips on mine but she pecked my cheek.

I glared at her and she laughed "what?" I swear to god she knows exactly what she's doing.

"You're sooo annoying" I said, irritated and she laughed yet again "i didn't do anything"

"Shut up" I cupped her face and smashed my lips onto hers.

Fuck the anxiety and fuck everything else, I needed to kiss her.

The kiss turned heated real fast. It was so messy and I loved it so much.

We were breathing heavily as I ran my fingers through the back of her hair, pulling it gently while I was arching my back against her. Her hands with gripping my hips so tightly, it gave me butterflies in many places.

She backed away from the kiss and bent down a little, holding eye contact with me the whole time as she held the back of my thighs and lifted me off the ground. I gasped a little making her smirk as she walked us into my apartment.

Victoria shut the door with her leg and kept making out with me. Her lips are addicting. 

I thought she was taking me to my room but I guess she was too horny for that and since the kitchen was the closest to us right now, she took me there and placed me on the counter.

"I'm gonna fuck you" she whispered against my lips and I nodded, leaning in to kiss her again but she backed away "beg for it" of course she's going to make me beg.

"Please Vic, fuck me" I said as seductively as possible and she seemed to love it. She smirked and pulled me to the edge of the counter, pulling my skirt down and throwing it somewhere.

I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled her in for a kiss again. She was in between my legs, pushing herself against my pussy which made me moan a little.

I just know she would destroy me if she had a dick. I mean she's going to destroy me either way.

I started unbuttoning her shirt for her as we made out and she pulled back after taking her shirt off "you gonna be a good girl for me?" She asked as she undid her belt. I stayed quiet because I literally cannot open my mouth or I'll moan.

"Or are you gonna be a slut and make me punish you?"

I am speechless and soooo wet.

"Do anything you want to me" I said making her smile and wrap her hand around my throat "you sure about that baby? Don't start something you can't handle"

I hope she fucks me until I pass out like I literally don't care.

"I am so sure"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now