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Athena's POV

I was in the hot tub at one my friend's house alongside a few of my close friends.

My phone buzzed so I grabbed the towel to dry my hands and picked up the phone to see who it is.

It's an unknown number.

I unlocked the phone to see who it was.


It's Victoria

Took you long enough
to text me

Be happy I texted you

It's been three days
Have I been on your mind

No I'm just bored

Am I getting bullied?

No you're just not getting
the princess treatment you're
used to

I kinda hate that you're

Anyways what are you doing

I bit my lip as I kept thinking if I should do what I have in mind or not.

Well eventually I did.

I moved my phone upwards and took a picture of my body then sent it to her "oooo is it for Natalie?" Georgia said taking a sip from her champagne "no it's Victoria. The other girl I met"

I sent the picture and placed my phone down, ready for the questions that are going to hit me from my friends.

"Who is she?" "Is she hot?" "What happened to Natalie?" I prepared myself for this moment. I took a deep breathe "i don't even know who she is that girl barely even talks.." I said pointing at Fran who asked that then pointing at Kennedy to answer her question "..she's very very hot and nothing happened to Natalie, I'm just not looking for something serious so I'm keeping my options opened"

My friends are always intense. Like literally always.

They asked questions all together and I'm actually surprised they only asked three questions. They would usually throw tons at me.


Oh wow
not what I expected

Like what you see?

Who wouldn't

It's hard keeping a conversation
going with you
Say something

I am saying things
I literally asked you what
you were doing

Okay shit
What are you doing

If you expect a titty pic then
don't get your hopes up

You're funny
But like can I get one???

Behave Athena

I sincerely apologize ma'am

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now