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Athena's POV

"You're seriously being a petty bitch right now"

Victoria looked up from the papers on her desk and rested back on her chair. She was wearing glasses and I did not need to see how hot she is with glasses when I'm trying to be mad at her.

"Of course Athena, you may come in" she said sarcastically pushing her glasses up so they can rest on her head as it pushed a bit of her hair back.

Her assistant closed the door and left "why are you ignoring me?" I asked her calming down a little "I'm not ignoring you-" I cut her off "yes you are"

"Why do you care?" She asked me which made me frown my eyebrows "didn't seem like you cared when you left me looking stupid at the club while I was waiting for you to come back in" fuck me.

I should've texted her and I did intend to text her but I got too distracted when I was with Natalie. I feel like everyone disappears when I'm with her, I was just having too much fun.

"Wait I forgot.." she stood up and walked around her desk, resting back on it "..your little princess needed a babysitter for the night. Someone to hold her when she cries, someone to give her kisses and make her breakfast in the morning" she mockingly said about Natalie making me roll my eyes at her obvious jealousy.

"You have no right to be jealous" I said crossing my arms "I told you I'm messing around with other people. You chose to stay" I added and she nodded "doesn't mean you can ditch me like that. I was kinda looking forward to hang out with you but fuck you, you don't deserve a second of my time"

My lips parted a bit at what she said as we just looked at each other "Now leave my office, I have work to do"

She sat down on her chair, wore her glasses again and started writing some things down on the papers. She looked up for a bit and gave me a confused look "what? You want me to walk you out or something. Get the fuck out" she said firmly.

I turned around and left her office, slamming the door behind me as I walked towards the elevator.

I see where she's coming from but did she have to be that much of a bitch? Okay, be mad at me but at least let's talk it out after or something.

Honestly, I don't want someone that's this impulsive and immature to be mine.

That was me trying to convince myself that I can go on with my day without thinking about Victoria but I can't do that so yay.


"Okay since it's my turn I'd like to stir the pot a little bit.." Genevieve said as she looked at me with a smirk so I know my pot is the one being targeted right now.

"..fuck, Marry, kill..." she paused which made the other girls start the drum rolls to build up more excitement but I didn't join them this time because I know this is going to fuck me up.

"...Victoria, Natalie and the hot coffee guy" I looked at her confused because of the last choice "you know I'm full on gay, right?" I asked her and she nodded her head "I know that but I had to add someone for you to kill"

"I'm probably gonna start experimenting again and fuck the hot guy. I might be into guys" I'm going to be petty even behind Victoria's back. Even if it means I have to fuck a guy in the game.

"Oh my god which one of them fucked up that much?" Faith asked curiously as the others listened carefully. They care about every relationship, especially the ones they're not in.

"I'd kill.." I paused for a minute to irritate them more which worked very well "..Victoria and marry Natalie" I said quickly making them all groan in sync which made me laugh a little.

"Bitch I don't know what happened between you and Victoria but that woman is for sure amazing in bed. I can't guarantee that she'll be with you in the morning but I can guarantee some good ass sex" Carmen said making me laugh "that is a lot of details-" I was cut off by Amani who also stepped in "Victoria would definitely rock your shit" she said making the others nod in agreement.

What is even happening right now?

"She's gonna eat that pussy like there is no tomorrow" Demi commented making Carmen high-five her "Amen sister" Carmen said making me laugh.

This whole thing went on for a good five minutes.

"Okay okay. I'd marry Natalie, kill the coffee guy and fuck your beloved Victoria" they started clapping their hands which made me raise my eyebrows in a bit of shock and laugh at them.

We kept playing the game for a bit because we're having a sleepover so we can bond and shit like that since we're in this modeling shit together and honestly.. I'm having so much fun.

I was now sleeping on the floor next to Genevieve as the others spread out on the couches while Miss Carmen laid very comfortably on her king sized bed.

I smiled when I saw Natalie's name pop up on my phone as I was scrolling on it to fall asleep since everyone was fast to fall asleep.

"Hi" I said quietly so i don't wake anyone up "hey pretty" she whispered back making me laugh a little "having fun at your sleepover?" She asked speaking normally now "yeah they're really fun to hang out with"

"I'm glad. Did you eat anything? Did you drink enough water?" My fucking heart man.

I love these questions. They make me feel loved and cared about.

"I did eat and drink an inhumane amount of water" I did drink so much water. I peed like fifty times.

"Good good. I miss you, a lot"

We ended up talking for a long time until I felt like I was going to die from how tired I was.

"I have to go to sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow" I said to her as I felt my eyes getting heavier "okay baby, sweet dreams"

"And you should go to sleep too" she laughed and hummed "sure. Goodnight" I smiled unintentionally "goodnight"

Before I went to sleep, I checked my messages to see if I have anything from Victoria but still nothing.

I'm trying to act like I hate her and shit but I can't.

Unfortunately, I think about her a lot and I thought about texting her many times but I have to stand my ground and not look pathetic in front of her.

I don't want her to know that I miss her or that I think about her a lot or that I might have thought about her sexually once or twice.

She doesn't have to know all those things.

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now