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Victoria's POV

"Are you fucking insane?"

I held Natalie by her clothes and pushed her against the counter of the bar behind her "I know you're the one that posted those pictures of Athena. You're a fucked up person"

"What pictures?" She asked sounding and looking completely clueless but I know she's the one that posted them.

"Natalie, she chose you. Even if she didn't, this is morally wrong to do to anyone especially someone you claim to love"

"Vic?" I turned to the person that called for me and saw that it was Athena so I stepped back and let go of Natalie "you okay?" She asked Natalie who nodded her head, smiling nervously.

I have to tell her. She deserves to know that the person she's staying with is fucked up and unworthy of her love.

"Athena I-" Natalie cut me off "how about we get you a drink? You seem like you need one" she said wrapping her arm around Athena's waist.

They walked away together and Athena turned to look at me one last time, smiling softly at me.

Natalie doesn't deserve her.

How could she do something like that?

I called Ryland and he answered almost immediately "so?" I called him since he's the boss of our IT team at the company and told him to take the pictures down before they got spread around.

"I got it down from the main source but someone could repost it or something. I can't do anything about that, sorry"

I rubbed the side of my head and hung up without saying anything.

I asked the bartender for something to drink then sat down on the high stool and put my hand on the side of my head as I rested my elbow on the counter.

She's going to find out eventually.

Natalie did this shit at the time where Athena is actually becoming a very successful model. Couldn't have picked a more perfect time.

I don't know what this will do to her career but I'm sure it's nothing good.

A few hours went by and they still didn't leave the private room they entered. Fuck my life.

She's probably sweet talking her way through this shit.

I hope Athena doesn't fall for her games.

I was going to give up and go home but then I heard someone loudly say "leave me alone" which made me turn my head so quickly to see Athena walking fast as Natalie followed behind her.

I got up and Athena looked at me with tears falling down her face "you knew and you didn't tell me?!" She said and I stayed quiet, knowing it's just because she's in the heat of the moment and she'll realize that I was going to tell her later.

"I can't believe either of you!" She said before walking out. I looked at Natalie who placed her hands on her face "you happy now?" I asked her before following Athena.

I saw her standing outside "are you driving home?" I asked her and she didn't answer me.

I held her arm and she pulled it back immediately "I just don't wanna talk to anyone right now, please" her Uber arrived and she wanted to leave but I stopped her.

"I'm here whenever you wanna talk about.. anything" I said holding her hand softly. She let a few tears fall from her eyes "I'm gonna go" she said stepping back and pulling her hand away from mine which she didn't seem to want to do.

"Bye" I said and she smiled a little "bye"


Athena's POV

I am not ready to show my face at work today.

My nudes are all over the internet and I feel horrible. I'm trying my hardest not to pay attention to what everyone is saying but it is nearly impossible since everytime I go on social media, someone mentions it.

Now I have to live with this shit.

I don't know what will happen at work. I might get fired or something.

The elevator stopped and the door opened. I let out a breathe and stepped out of it, making my way towards everyone else.

Carmen was the first to see me "hi baby" she said standing up and giving me a hug that everyone else joined in "you doing okay?" Genevieve asked me and I nodded my head "I guess"

"Who posted them?" Demi asked making Carmen hit her arm "it's okay.." I said laughing a little "..it was Natalie. She thought I chose Vic over her and got upset" I can't believe I let her fool me like this.

"Athena" I heard Dexter call for me and I sighed, standing up and following him into his office. I sat down in front of him "I know what you're gonna say-" he cut me off and laughed "I'm not mad and I'm not firing you"

I frowned my eyebrows in confusion "you're not?" I asked and he shook his head, resting back on the chair and crossing his legs.

"Actually I think it's very beneficial for us. You're trending and everyone knows your name now. It's not too bad, see the bright side. People find you sexy so what's the problem?"

My lips parted at what he said "what the fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped and he looked at me with shock all over his face from my reaction.

Did he expect me to cheer him on or something?

"I'm here feeling ashamed and miserable from having my nudes all over the internet and you're telling me to see the bright side? Bright side of what? Having my private pictures that I sent to a person I trusted posted for the whole world to see is not fun at all. What you said is so fucking selfish. You didn't even think about how I'm feeling and just thought about how it's benefiting you"

"If you're not firing me then I'm quitting. I'm not going to work with someone who treats as an emotionless object"

I stood up and made my way towards the door "we have a contract" I completely ignored him and walked out "what happened?" Carmen asked me.

"I quit. He's fucked in the head"

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