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Athena's POV

"Miss Solace?" I stopped talking to my friends and turned to look at the guard that called my name "yes?" I said to him "Miss Walter put you on her VIP list. You don't have to wait in line"

Feeling so special right now.

"Oh okay. Can my friends also skip the line?" I asked him and he nodded his head with a smile on his face "of course"

"Lucky us" Fran said getting out of the line alongside everyone else. We walked behind the bodyguard and entered the club.

The first thing I did was look around for Victoria "looking for me?" She whispered into my ear as she stood behind me. I smiled when I heard her voice and turned around "hey you" I said making her smile.

"Hi" she said holding my waist when I wrapped my arms around her neck. I looked down at her suit and ran one of my hands from her neck down to her lower stomach "looking fancy" I complimented.

She was wearing a silky navy button up shirt without the jacket and black pants "I like this color on you" I said remembering what her guard told me and my compliment made her smile "thanks"

"Me and the bitches are gonna go drink and dance with random strangers. Have fun" Kennedy said before slapping my ass and walking away "did she just.." Victoria said shocked at what Kennedy did so comfortably in public as I backed away from Vic "yeah she does it a lot. I think my ass is bruised because of it"

"But that's my job" I smiled and bit onto my bottom lip, wrapping both of my arms around her neck and stepping closer to her "yeah?" She hummed and looked down at my lips.

"You gonna fuck me.." I quietly said leaning closer to her face "..face down ass up?" I asked against her lips. She let out a deep sigh which indicated that she's as aroused as I am right now.

"Are you turned on baby?" I held her chain and she nodded her head as I arched my back. Her arm wrapped around me and she kissed me, making me suck in a breathe as I kissed her back passionately.

"So turned on I could fuck you right here, right now" she mumbled leaning in, wanting to kiss me again. She kissed me for a few seconds then pulled back "let's go get you something to eat" she said taking my hand and pulling me towards some room.

"The bar is not in that direction" I said making her laugh "no shit dumbass. I'm taking you to the VIP section"

The two guards stepped aside when they saw me approaching with Victoria, one of them opening the door for us to step inside.

"How come you never brought me in here before?" I asked, looking around the beautiful place. It was gorgeous and so beautifully designed "I asked to have it empty for us tonight.." she turned around and pulled me closer to her "..you deserve to have a special first time in the VIP section then you can spend all the time you want here" she said kissing my lips.

She pulled me towards one of the couches and sat down, pulling me down to sit beside her "what do you wanna eat?" She asked putting her arm on the couch behind me "what do you have?"

"Anything you like, they'll make for you" she said smirking at me "I'll have... nothing. Your ass knows I'm on a strict diet"

She kept looking into my eyes that held no emotions behind them at this moment, raised her arm and called one of the workers over "get her that good ass pasta Dave makes, the one I ate last week" she said looking over at him.

I am not going to turn this down. I've been starving for a while now.

I am a woman that likes eating all the meals including many snacks and I just suddenly stopped so my body is weak and needs a proper meal to function.

"And make it fucking fast" he nodded and walked away.

She turned to look at me again and smiled widely "hi" she said cutely making me smile "hi" I moved even closer to her as I crossed my legs. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and placed her other hand on my thigh.

My phone buzzed a few times in my purse so I turned my head away from Victoria but she was quick to hold my chin and make me look at her "no baby, you're all mine tonight" she whispered before kissing me roughly.

We were making out for a while and I felt her hand resting on my thigh, her fingers being in between my thighs now since i had my legs crossed and she kept moving it up.

I felt her index finger touching my sensitive covered clit making me whimper and back away a little "what?" She asked with a smirk on her face "I know you're not gonna fuck me now" she just ordered the food and I do not want to be teased for that long.

"That's right.." she pulled her hand away from my thigh and placed it on my stomach "..we're gonna fill this pretty stomach of yours then I'm gonna fuck you" she said kissing me.

I giggled a little when she tickled my stomach making her smile "I like this place. The music is nice, the decorations are amazing, there are no people.." I moved my hand from her neck down to her abs "..just you and me" I continued kissing her lips.

"Miss Walter.." we looked towards the worker who brought over a plate "..the food is ready. Would you like anything to drink?" He asked as Victoria took the plate from him "you want anything?" Victoria asked me.

"I'm kinda craving coke.." I said shrugging. I was banned from drinking any fizzy drinks until further notice. I'm a fucking prisoner.

"..not diet, regular" I said to him and he nodded as Victoria looked over at me and poked the side of my stomach "you're a bad girl" she teased making me laugh.

"Whiskey for me" Victoria said and the guy nodded, going to get the drink from the bar in the VIP section.

She handed me the plate with a fork "dig right in baby" she said. I took the first bite of the food then moaned at the taste of real fucking food "it's so good" I said covering my mouth as I was talking because my mouth is filled with food.

"Hm open your mouth" I said moving the fork to her mouth. She laughed a little and opened her mouth, taking a bite from my fork "the chef killed it" I added making her laugh.

I finished my food and drink then looked at Victoria "you feeling good?" She asked rubbing my stomach then holding my waist "amazing. Dexter is gonna kill me though"

Victoria kissed my neck then came up to my lips "no one is ever gonna lay a finger on you while I'm alive" she lowly said before kissing me "that turned me on" I whispered against her lips making her laugh.

"You gonna protect me?" I asked holding the side of her neck "oh yeah. I'm gonna kill anyone that even looks at you wrong"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now