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Athena's POV

Today is one of those days where I look in the mirror and absolutely despise what I'm looking at.

I hate the way I look right now.

Not because my makeup looks bad or I'm having a bad hair day or whatever. No, I just genuinely hate how I look.

And I hate how I look because of how my body has been looking because of the diet so I just hated everything else because I feel incomplete when I don't look the way I want to look like.

It's weird to explain because not many people get what I mean by that but sometimes, there is this one thing that looks bad and just makes everything else look bad.

I didn't even want to go out.

I just wanted to stay at home so no one sees me.

But Natalie wants to take me out somewhere for lunch and I didn't want to turn her down because she seemed so excited.

I sighed as I sprayed my perfume and took one last look at myself which definitely wasn't a good idea at this moment then took my purse and went to open the door for Natalie.

I opened the door for her and immediately put a huge smile on my face "hi baby" I said putting my arms out for her to hug me which she did "hey pretty"

I hugged her a little tighter, closing my eyes as I tried to at least gain a little happiness to get me through this date without ruining it for the both of us.

The least I can do is make her happy.

It might make me feel a little better.

She let out a little chuckle as we backed away from the hug "you alright? That was a tight hug" I smiled and nodded my head, placing a few kisses on her lips "I'm good. Just missed you"

"I missed you too"

There was this part of me that really wanted her to ask me if I'm okay again.

But it was better that she didn't because we would've spent the night inside, with me crying in her arms.


"Yeah" I said nodding my head as Natalie talked about a few things going on with her. Not bad things, just things.

I like that she's a talkative person. She's distracting me from my own issues.

I looked to my side to see a group of guys taking glances at me and saying things which made me wrap my arms around myself in attempt to hide my body.

Is my body so horrible to the point that even people see what I hate?

There are many flaws you can find in yourself but people don't even see. You just focus too much on yourself to the point that you see every single bad thing that doesn't even matter to others.

But if it gets to the point that even some group of guys see it, it makes it even harder for me to try and make peace with it.

"You with me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Natalie then smiled at her "yeah sorry, I just didn't sleep well yesterday"

"Oh baby, sorry for that. Let me get the check so we can go back to your place and nap" I smiled as I watched her ask for the check.

She payed then took my hand in hers "you look beautiful by the way" she complimented making me smile even though it gave me this gut wrenching feeling. I wish I felt beautiful.


Natalie was gone when I woke up from my nap but she left me a text saying that she had a lot of work to do so she had to leave.

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now