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Victoria's POV

Hugging Athena as she cried broke my heart into pieces.

The last thing I want was someone or something making my beautiful woman cry.

I pulled back from the hug and cupped her face as I looked into her very sad sparkly eyes "let's go sit down" I suggested and she nodded her head.

I took her hand and went to the side of the club where there were couches that were thankfully empty.

We sat down and I kept my arm around Athena's shoulder, making sure she feels that she has someone to talk to and keep her protected.

I was never good at comforting or good at dealing with any type of feelings wether they're someone else's or my own.

But I really want Athena to find her comfort with me and not anyone else.

I want her to come to me when she feels bad about herself or anything else and just needs someone to talk to.

I know I can be an asshole and I make fun of her all the time but it's just our little thing.

But when I see tears coming down her face, this is where I'm going to show my other caring part.

I'd kill whoever makes her cry.

"Tell me what made you upset" I said making sure I sound gentle and not harsh so she feels a bit safe to talk to me about it.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now" she said laying her head on my chest and wrapping her arm around my stomach. I looked down at her to see that her eyes were closed "you wanna go back to my place or yours? We can hug till you sleep"

I hate cuddling in general but if it makes her happy, I'll do it with zero hesitation.

This is the woman I'd do absolutely anything for.

"Really?" She asked lifting her head up. I smiled and put some hair behind her ear as I looked into beautiful sad eyes "yeah" I mumbled just seconds before kissing her.

Her lips were pouted because she was crying and they looked so kissable, I couldn't resist it.

She kissed back but I didn't let it turn rough. I kept the same slow pace because I don't want to have sex with her when she's sad, I'd rather just make her feel loved.

I placed my hand gently on her waist but it made her tense up a little. We kept kissing but she held my hand and interlocked her fingers with mine so i don't hold her waist anymore.

Athena always tenses up when I touch her body but the "you're giving me goosebumps and making me feel things" kind of tense.

This one was more of a "I don't want you to touch me there" kind of tense.

I would understand if she didn't want to be touched at certain times but Athena is a very physical and sexual human being, she had mentioned before how much being touched at all times matters to her because she feels like someone is embracing her in their arms and showing her affection the whole time.

And sometimes she even takes my hand and places it on her waist or holds it when I don't do it myself.

She thinks I don't touch her because I don't want to touch her but I just get a little nervous and don't know what to do.

I'd hate it if I ever made her uncomfortable because I guess I can come off as aggressive at times and it'll seem like I just want to fuck her but I really just want to feel her.

We kept softly and slowly kissing for a bit but then she pulled back and placed her head in the crook of my neck, not even giving me a chance to see her face and check if she's crying or not.

But I just held her and scratched the back of her head, hoping it'll bring her comfort.

She lifted her head up and wiped away her tears "come on, let's go" she nodded her head and looked around for her purse but I reached for it first and put it over my shoulder "am I you now?" I asked jokingly making her laugh a little.

There is that cute laugh.

"You're so cute" she said placing her hand on my cheek before standing up.

Thank god she looked away from me because it made me blush so hard when she said that.

She held my hand and we walked out of the club "you drove here, right?" I asked her and she nodded her head "let me drive your car. I'll ask someone to pick my car up later"

"You wanna go back to your apartment?" She shook her head and stopped walking when we reached her car.

Her sad face is so adorable.

"Can we go to your house? I wanna play with your cats and raccoon later" she said cutely making me smile and wipe away the single tear that left her eye "just cats. He's a cat" I said making her laugh "okay then"

We got in the car and I drove back to my house. I looked over at Athena who was looking out the window with her head back on the seat.

I placed my hand on her thigh snapping her out of her thoughts and making her look at me with a small smile as she placed her hand over mine.

After a while of driving, we finally got to my house and got out of the car.

We went to my room and Athena turned around to look at me "can I get a hoodie or a shirt?" She asked, rubbing her arm nervously. I nodded my head and went to get her a hoodie.

"Can you turn around?" She asked making me frown my eyebrows but I still nodded and turned around, making my way to the closet to get something comfortable.

After I changed and brushed my teeth, I went to get in bed with her "you don't wanna remove your makeup?" I asked her and she shook her head "I just wanna cuddle and sleep"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now