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Athena's POV

Now, it's like 2am and I'm still at the club with Victoria.

We went to dance a little and I wasn't planning on staying this long, I wanted to leave when my friends did but my friends -being the amazing people they are- they left without telling me so I can stay longer with Victoria without saying I want to leave with them.

I'm a bit thankful for that actually.

Tipsy and tired Victoria is funny. She's good company.

"I'm so sleepy, I wanna go home" I said to Victoria as we sat down on some couches at the club "I'll take you home" she stood up and waited for me to stand up "come on I'm tired too" she added.

I stood up and walked outside with her "Kennedy was so right about the heels. I am never being a good person again and giving her my heels" Victoria laughed at what I said "just take them off. Walk barefoot"

"Fuck no. I am so scared of stepping on some glass or something" I said and she stopped in her tracks "I'll carry you" she said and I smiled "you'll carry me bridal style like the little cutie you are?"

"No" she bent down a little, wrapping her arms around my thighs and putting me over her shoulder "what the fuck?" I said laughing loudly as she kept walking "I thought you were gonna be a cutie baby today" calling her names like this is so fun.

"It's past midnight so no cutie baby for you anymore" she said tickling my bare thigh making me laugh "bitch I swear to god if you do that again I will poke your eye out with my heel" I threatened making her laugh "you're over my shoulder right now, I can throw you in front of a car"

"Oh my god you love me so much" I said sarcastically. Then I just gave up and let her carry me to her car. It's actually kind of fun to be carried like this but it definitely looks like she's kidnapping me.

"Okay we're here" she said approaching her car I'm guessing "no I'm having so much fun" I whined making her laugh "next time, princess" she said patting my butt then putting me down.

I fixed my hair "are you not gonna open the door for me?" I asked her, jokingly of course. I like teasing her.

"Fuck no. Who do you think you are?" I rolled my eyes at her and opened the door to the passenger side but then, she put her hand on it and pushed it closed, going towards her side quickly as if she didn't do anything "that was a bitch move" I said and she shrugged "I love being a bitch"

We both got in the car "you're not drunk or anything right? Like are we gonna make it home in on piece?" I asked and she nodded her head "yeah don't worry. I wouldn't do anything that will put you in danger"

"You're still a cutie pie" I teased again, pinching her cheek. She turned to look at me before she drove "do that one more time and I will purposely run into a wall" I laughed and put my head back on the seat.

She started driving and I lifted my head up, looking at her to say something but she shook her head "no" I frowned my eyebrows in confusion. I didn't even say anything yet "what-" she cut me off again "no you're not gonna put music on" I groaned loudly and put my head back again "but it's so awkward"

"I like awkward" she said. I fake cried making her laugh "you're not gonna make me feel bad. Hearing people cry makes me laugh" I just stared at her when she said that "there is definitely something wrong with you" I said using a very serious tone which made her laugh "I'm perfectly fine"

She kept driving on the location I sent her until we got to the building of my apartment "okay bye, goodnight" I said still not leaving the car "you good going to your apartment on your own?" She asked and I nodded "I'm good"

Victoria leaned in and kissed my cheek "just so you can have your nice little ending" I raised my eyebrows "for the night, not your entire life" she cleared up and I nodded "good"

"Actually no.." I leaned over the armrest and put my lips on hers. Her lips immediately moved in sync with mine as she tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss.

Our tongues were fighting for dominance which she won but I definitely do not mind. She's such a good kisser.

I pulled back from the kiss after a bit, both of us breathing heavily "..this is so much better" I said and she nodded agreeing with me "yeah it is"

She held my chin and pulled me closer to her, she leaned in and kissed me again "why don't you come upstairs with me?" I asked pulling back from the kiss "I'd rather die" I laughed at what she said and acted like it pissed me off but I like it, it's our thing.

I held the handle of the door wanting to leave but she held my arm and pulled me towards her, she held my chin again and kissed my roughly "I'm joking" she whispered against my lips.

"I want to but I have a really important meeting tomorrow" she said wanting to kiss me again but I backed away slightly "what does that have to do with fucking me?" I asked "I have to wake up at six and I am not gonna wake you up that early. I wanna wake up to your pretty face and spend some time with you"

"You're forgiven" I said making her laugh and kiss me again "you'll get to kiss me later. Go back home, you're waking up in literally four or three hours"

"Okay, text me when you get to your apartment so I can make sure you're okay" I smiled and nodded, pecking her lips "bye" I said opening my door "bye"

I went upstairs to my apartment, a smile still ripping my cheeks from how happy I am about everything that happened tonight.

When I entered my apartment, I took a picture of myself and sent it to Victoria.


We should hangout again

The princess thing is growing
on me
And yeah we should
I had so much fun

Go get some sleep
Goodnight, princess

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now