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A/N:was gonna put a song but it's not letting me😔😔😔
Enjoy the song-less chapter.

Athena's POV

I woke up to someone playing with my hair and I smiled even before opening my eyes knowing that it's Victoria.

"Good morning pretty" she said quietly when I turned to face her. I opened my eyes a little and saw her smiling at me "good morning"

"You feeling good baby?" She asked and I pecked her lips "more than good" she kissed my lips a few times "will I ruin it for you if I said I have to leave?" She asked and I groaned loudly, putting my head back on the pillow.

She laughed and rubbed the side of my body "I'm sorry, princess. I'll make it up to you tomorrow" she said making me look at her again "it's Saturday though. Why do you have to work?" I asked and she looked down at my lips then back into my eyes "being a company owner comes with a few disadvantages"

"I'll take you to dinner tomorrow" she said with a big smile on her face. I smiled and nodded my head "okay" I pecked her lips and she got out of bed then went to get her clothes from the kitchen or living room. I have no idea but it's out there.

I groaned and got out of bed, putting my robe over my naked body then making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth "you got an extra toothbrush for me?" She asked poking her head through the bathroom door "of course"

We finished brushing our teeth and I left the bathroom after doing my skincare to see that she was putting her tie around her neck already "your shirt is so messed up, let me iron it for you" I said and she shook her head as she tried to fix her tie "I got a guy waiting for me at the company and I'm already late"

She explained and I nodded my head "oh okay"

Then we heard a knock on the door "I'll get it" I said but Victoria stopped me "put some clothes on, I'll get it" my possessive baby. Love it.

"Get the fuck out of here" I heard just a few seconds later. I quickly slipped a shirt on and went to see what was happening.

"Tell your girlfriend to let me in" Natalie said since Victoria was blocking her from stepping into my apartment. Victoria looked at me "no Natalie, get out" I said going towards her to push her out.

"Oh come on. You literally called me yesterday and told me you wanna talk" my eyes widened at what she said and Victoria looked at me with so much rage "i didn't. What are you even saying- I swear I didn't, you can check my phone" I said to Victoria.

Victoria took a deep breathe and shook her head in disbelief "don't lie to her. She deserves to know" Natalie said and I shook my head "I would never do something like this when I'm strictly dating Vic. Especially not with someone like you"

I can tell Natalie was caught off guard when I said that and because I raised my voice at her.

"Get out of here" I said looking away from her eyes.

I'm mad so if I actually let it out even more, I'll cry and if I cry Victoria will think I have some sort of feelings for Natalie which will lead to Vic being mad at me.

Yeah no I'm going to avoid all of that by just not crying.

"You heard her, get out" Victoria said pushing Natalie back harshly and slamming the door shut then locking it.

Victoria and I looked into each other's eyes and tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

I don't want her to be mad at me. Nothing Natalie said is true.

"I never called her or texted her-" she cut me off and smiled weakly "I know. It's okay"

She walked towards the couch to get her jacket "you're too calm about this. Are you sure you're not mad at me? If you are, it's okay"

Victoria put her jacket on as she looked at me "I'm a little mad but I promised you that I'm a changed person. I have no right to be mad at you for her behavior nor is it okay for me to let that anger out on you"

She cupped my face gently and kissed my lips "I'll talk to you after I'm done with work. Is that okay with you?" She asked and I smiled, nodding my head "yeah"

"Okay. See you later" she said kissing my lips "see you"

I am definitely in love.

Victoria's POV

I stepped out of the elevator and saw Natalie waiting for me. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked past her but she started walking behind me.

"She did call me by the way" I heard her say. I sighed at what she said and tried my best not to let her get to my head.

"You were always her second option, Victoria. Knowing you, you wouldn't ever disrespect yourself like this whatsoever" trying so hard not to swing at her.

I held the handle of my car door and opened it "do you really believe she'll stay loyal to you? A slut like her will always be a slut-" I held her by her shirt quickly and slammed her against my car "talk about her like that again and I swear to god I'll kill you"

"I trust my girl. Not you or anyone in this entire world can make me fall out of love with this woman"

"I know you want her but you lost your chance with her when you showed your true colors. She's my girl now and if I see you getting even a little close to her, I will make you regret it"

She seemed fairly scared but clearly trying to hide it. I pushed her on the ground and got in the car.

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now