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Athena's POV

"Come on" Natalie said putting her hand out for me to hold which I did "I am not the type of person to be taken to a hike, Natalie" I said breathlessly.

Natalie laughed and held me close to her as we kept walking up some hill "the view it gonna be amazing though" she said to me "I can fucking search up 'beautiful views' on my phone while I'm laying on my very comfortable couch in my cold apartment"

I am going to literally melt from the sun. I hate hiking especially in a hot weather because I sweat and I despise sweating with every fiber in my body.

Unless it's when I'm having sex.

I found a big rock and sat down on it since it's under a tree. I groaned loudly as Natalie watched me and laughed.

I looked up to the sky and put my arms up "god I know I've sinned but please listen to me this one time and kill me right now" Natalie laughed again and handed me a water bottle "how are you not tired?" I asked her.

"I have high stamina" I smirked at what she said then sipped my water "good to know" I said making her laugh "don't look at me, I'm not sexy right now" I pushed her face to the side but she looked at me again, getting in between my legs and holding my waist.

"In my opinion, you have never looked more beautiful" she complimented making me peck her lips "I wanna smile.." I took a break to catch my breathe "..but that's too much work" I said wrapping my arm around her waist after I got up.

She thinks I'm being cuddly and cute but I just want to use her body to support mine so I don't get too tired.

"Okay we're here" Natalie said as we got to the top of the hill. We both sat down on the edge but I stayed close to Natalie.

I just apologized to god for sinning and asked her to kill me. I was kidding but she doesn't know that. I might die right now.

"Are you scared?" Natalie asked with a little laugh "no, I'm just- I just miss you" I said making kiss sounds which made her laugh.

I might be scared of heights. Might.

"Well I just miss you too so I'm gonna hold you close to me because of that" she said wrapping her arm around my shoulder making me smile.

I took a few selfies of us then closed my phone, pecking her lips a few times "you make me happy"


"Where is Vic?" I asked one of the guys I know she's friends with "there I think" he pointed in the direction of the bar in her club and I went towards it.

When I got to it, I didn't find her anywhere near so I started looking around to see her talking to some lady who looked older than her.

They looked like they more arguing than talking.

I stepped a bit closer to them "mom please let's just go outside" Victoria said trying to grab her mother's arm but her mom pushed it away hardly "you're dancing in a club when you know how much you've done to our family!" She yelled grabbing a few people's attention.

"Mom-" without literally anyone expecting it, Victoria was slapped by her mom right in front of everyone "you should've died instead of him!" Her mom yelled before walking past Victoria who quickly made her way towards the bathroom after getting past everyone.

"Next round on me!" I yelled so they can get distracted and go back to normal so she doesn't feel weird when people are staring at her after she comes back out.

They cheered and went back to dancing and doing whatever they were doing before all this thing happened.

I went to the bathroom to check on her and saw her resting her hands on the sink with her back facing me and her head was tilted down.

I placed my hand on her shoulder making her flinch and turn around quickly to push my hand away from her "sorry, I thought you were someone else" she held my hand and kissed it making me smile a little.

"Are you.. okay?" I hesitated to ask her that because I know she's not okay.

"Yeah it's whatever. It's not unusual for her to do that" she said laughing a little as she sniffed "you want a hug?" I asked putting my arms out for her. She laughed and shook her head "fuck no but I'll take a kiss"

I smiled in approval and she held my hand, pulling me closer to her and placing her lips on mine "are you sure you're okay?" I asked as I gently played with her hair "shh baby, just shut up and kiss me" she said quietly kissing me.

I don't like how we're not going to be talking about how horrible she might be feeling because there is no way she feels "okay" after what happened with her mom.

The slap itself was very damaging physically and emotionally because there is definitely more trauma Victoria refuses to face.

But still, it's Victoria so there is no way she's going to be opening up to anyone.

I am still going to try and make her open up to me, at least a little but after it reaches a certain limit, I'm going to stop trying.

She backed away from the kiss and moved some hair away from my face "you look like you were punched sixteen times" she said with a smile, a smile I thought will lead to an actual compliment and not an insult.

"That's so nice of you to say" I said making her laugh and cup my face gently "but actually.. you look very beautiful" she complimented making me smile as she placed her forehead on mine and closed her eyes.

Victoria's POV

She's my safe place.

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now