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Athena's POV

I woke up and turned on my other side to see that Victoria wasn't beside me which made me a bit sad but I knew there was a chance this would happen.

I'm really disappointed and upset though.

Like she told me she'll win my heart over and shit but she would do this shit? How am I supposed to fall harder for her?

Wait I'm not gonna lie, I am falling harder for her because she's toxic in someway but I am in a stage in my life that I know that choosing the person that'll be good to you and have a healthy relationship with them is the best thing for me.

No matter how hard I fall for someone toxic I have to put myself first.

Or at least try.

I got out of bed, put my robe on then went to brush my teeth. I washed my face, did a simple skincare routine then headed outside to check if I have anything to eat since I forgot my groceries in the middle of the streets but breakfast is so important to me because I wake up fucking starving.

Then I spotted Victoria in the kitchen with a bag of ice on her hand and her head resting back on the cabinet with her eyes closed.

Even though I felt bad because her hand hurts her but I'm happy that she didn't leave.

"Good morning" I said making her lift her head and look at me "good morning" she said smiling a little "you have a cute ice bag" she added making me laugh.

I buy random things. If it's cute, I'm buying it.

It was a see-through ice bag that you can fill with water and it'll just form a big ice cube -which I don't need- with little flowers and strawberries on it. It's like so cute even though I barely use it.

But I'm starting to workout again since Dexter told me I should so when I feel sore, I can finally use this.

"Thank you" I said stepping closer to her. I smiled at her as she looked down at me "I thought you left" I looked away from her eyes when I said that "I can be an asshole sometimes but I wouldn't do that, not to you" I looked into her eyes again and smiled widely at what she said.

"And I can't get dressed alone because of this little bitch so you got me trapped" she added making me laugh a little and look down at her hand "let's go to the hospital baby" I said looking back at her face "baby?" She asked making me roll my eyes "shut up. I call everyone baby"

"Ouch okay" she acted hurt making me laugh once again. I removed the ice from her hand to see how bad it is then gasped when I saw it "oh my fucking god Vic, it looks horrible. How did you even take the pain?"

I placed the ice back on her hand making her wince in pain "it hurts a lot, doesn't it?" I asked rubbing her arm. She nodded her head and placed her head back on the cabinet "I couldn't sleep"

"Oh Vic, you could've woke me up so we can go get it checked" I said stepping even closer to her. She looked down at me and smiled a little "it's alright. I'm already feeling better" her voice turned a bit quieter and softer as she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth.

"Let me help you get dressed. We gotta go to the hospital" I said after a bit of silence, stepping back and taking her hand in mine. I placed the ice down on the counter and took her to my room.

"I can put my pants on-" I shushed her and told her to step into her pants so I can pull them up for her "I'm a grown ass woman" she said laughing as I buttoned her pants and zipped them then brought her belt to put it around her waist.

I did her belt and looked up at her to see her already looking at me with a smile on her face as she looked at me with a look I'm very familiar with now.

The "I'm so turned on" look.

"Don't look at me like that" I said blushing a little as I went to get her shirt. I would've ironed it for her and everything but it already has blood on it so she'll have to wear another one "look at you like what?" She asked acting clueless but she knows exactly what she's doing.

I helped her get her arms in her sleeves and started buttoning it for her but kept taking glances at her face because I can feel her eyes burning holes in my face.

She was looking so intensely at me. If I wasn't so worried about her hand, I would let her fuck the living shit out of me.

Then the bell rang making me snap out of my thoughts "I'm gonna go get it" I said placing my hand on her chest as she looked at me with the same smirk and nodded her head.

I went towards the door and opened it "hey" Natalie said "I kept calling you and you didn't answer so I got worried since you called yesterday" that's cute but I have the girl she purely hates in my apartment right now.

"I'm okay. Something happened and I called you but-" I was cut off by Victoria "I took care of it" I turned to look at Victoria who placed her tie around her neck loosely "what is she doing here?" Natalie asked me.

Victoria laughed and wrapped her hand around my throat as she kept glaring at Natalie but then broke that when she pulled me in and placed her lips on mine.

I closed my eyes and kissed back for a bit then she pulled back "I'll go to the hospital. You can stay here and I promised you groceries so send me what you bought yesterday and I'll have it at your house by tonight" she said and I nodded my head, as speechless as Natalie is about the kiss.

Victoria looked at Natalie again and smiled at her "step up your game" Victoria said before walking past Natalie "don't forget to text me after you get checked up" I said making Victoria turn around and smile at me "I can never forget about you, baby"

I smiled a little but tried to hold it back since Natalie already seems upset "baby?" Natalie asked me after Victoria started walking towards the elevator "a few guys were following me yesterday and I called you because I was scared but you didn't answer so.. I called her"

"Oh my god. Thank god you're okay" she said pulling me into a hug that I gladly took "yeah I'm okay" I said smiling "I'm glad baby. I'm sorry for not being there for you-" I cut her off and backed away from the kiss "don't apologize. You did nothing wrong"

Victoria's POV

I heard my name being called but I wished it was Athena instead of her dirty ass side chick.

I stopped in my tracks, rolled my eyes when Natalie called my name once again and turned around again "what? I need to go" I said coldly.

"Thanks for what you did for Athena" she said placing her hands in the pocket of her pants. I frowned my eyebrows in confusion and tilted my head to the side "you're thanking me for protecting Athena?" I asked her.

She nodded her head a bit confused on why I questioned it. I laughed "oh my god. You're funny" I said wanting to walk away to my car but she stopped me "what's up with you? Just say you're welcome"

I let out a deep breathe so I can stop myself from punching her across the face then turned around again "no. I did the bare minimum for the girl that I want, which is also something you failed to do because your little baby ass fell asleep early"

"The fuck is up with you? She called me first. You're her second fucking option" she said raising her voice a little. I smirked a little and stepped closer to her "after how good I made her feel yesterday.." I bit onto my lip and shook my head in disbelief as I remembered the events of yesterday.

"..I doubt it" I said and looked down at her hands that were being clenched into a fist "hey you can't punch me. I saved your girl" I said pointing my finger at her to annoy her.

I smiled in satisfaction when I saw how much that pissed her off and went towards my car, opening the door to it "oh and Natalie.."

Natalie wasn't so far away from me, still pissed off extremely but she knew she couldn't do anything because if she did, Athena won't like it.

"..she belongs to me"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now