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Athena's POV

"Baby your phone is ringing" Natalie handed me my phone from the nightstand with her eyes still closed. I smiled at how cute she looks while she's sleeping and kissed her cheek.

I answered the phone and put it up to my ear "dad it's so early in the morning" i said as Natalie rubbed my back gently.

We ended up having sex yesterday.

What? She defended me like that with that boy and you expect me to not open my legs for her? That just isn't me.

"Then good morning" I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly making Natalie laugh a little as I placed my head back on the pillow "there is an event tonight and since you're in town, I want you to come"

I love being hot and everything but I know he's telling me to come with him because the last I did, it helped him with business.

A part of me wants a good relationship with my dad. A part of me really doesn't because of the shit he did.

"Wait" I said to him then put him on mute "are you going to some business event? My dad is going and I'm not gonna go if you're not going" I said and she nodded her head "I'm going"

I unmuted my dad "sure, I'll be there"


I walked in the club and there were strippers, of course. A party full of old business men who throw their money around like it's nothing.

I felt pretty good in this dress. It was simple but made me feel and look really good. It was a tight silky dress, dark green and made my body look fucking amazing.

"It's a surprise seeing you here" I turned around to see Victoria who made me smile "well hello there" I said making her smile a little "what are you doing here?" She asked asking the bartender for two drinks after "I can't drink alcohol"

Her eyebrows frowned together "get one of those and a water?" She said with a questioning tone as she turned to look at me "a water would be fine" I said and the bartender nodded his head "right on it"

We both sat down, facing each other "so it's rough working with Dexter" she stated and I shrugged "it's alright for now but I know I'm gonna miss being free and eating whatever I want but I want to be a model so I'm committing also it's healthy for me. I didn't have the best history with alcohol"

Not that I'm an alcoholic or was an alcoholic. I just ended up on the bathroom floor when I was in college so many times. I drank a lot, I'm surprised I didn't get alcohol poisoning.

Victoria smiled and took the drink that the bartender placed in front of her "I like the way you think" she said making me smile "I try to be positive and shit" she laughed and took a sip from her drink.

"Not even looking at my drink. Nice self control" she said putting her drink down. I laughed and kept looking into her eyes "no self control when it comes to you though" why would I be looking at the drink in her hand when I could be looking at her?

This woman is gorgeous.

Victoria shook her head with a small laugh leaving her lips as she looked into my eyes with her chin tilted down slightly "don't start something you can't finish" she said looking down at my lips for a few seconds then up into my eyes again "who said I can't finish it?"

Someone called her name so she nodded at them and drank all of her whiskey in one sip. She stood up and stepped closer to me, moving her face even closer to mine as her hand moved up to my face, moving my hair behind my ear.

"You look amazing tonight.." she complimented making me blush and smile "..I'd hate it if i completely ruined you"

I'm surprised that I'm not on my knees yet.

She walked away to the group of people standing together and I just waited for Natalie to arrive.

I would've tried to socialize with the people here if I wasn't scared one of them would drug me and take advantage of me and also get away with it because of the amount of money they have.

I'm trying to stay alive and healthy without being hurt in any way. Can't blame me for that.

I felt a hand being placed on my waist making me tense up but I relaxed when I heard Natalie whisper a little "hi" in my ear.

"I'm surprised you're sitting alone" okay so Victoria and Natalie say kinda the same things. Nice.

It would be really awkward if they saw each other. I like them both. I'm having sex with one and kissing the other one. It's going to be really awkward.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked blushing uncontrollably "you're just extremely beautiful"

We talked a little and I saw Natalie tense up when she looked behind me "Natalie" I looked to my side to see Victoria who held eye contact with Natalie "you" Victoria laughed at what Natalie said and nodded her head "yeah me"

Victoria switched her attention to me "would you like to dance with me?" She asked with her hands behind her back. I looked over at Natalie who was looking at her phone that was ringing "I'm gonna answer this" she said with an annoyed tone and I nodded my head with a small smile on my face.

They seem like they hate each other. Even more awkward.

I looked back at Victoria who put her hand out for me "may I?" I smiled and nodded, holding her hand as she walked us towards where everyone was dancing.

It wasn't a slow song but she held my waist as I placed my hands on the back of her neck so we can sway our bodies together slowly.

"So you and Natalie?" She asked and I laughed "you really wanna know?" I asked and she nodded her head "I'm not the jealous type" 

I rolled my eyes at her clear lie "we mess around, maybe a little more than you and I do" she raised her eyebrows at what I said and pulled me closer to her "what does that mean?" She asked.

"We had.. sex a few times" her hands gripped my waist roughly making me let out a small laugh "not the jealous type my ass" I said making her laugh and pull me even closer to her to the point that my body is touching hers.

She leaned down and placed a few kisses on my shoulder then moved up my neck until she got to my ear "I can't wait to make you mine" she whispered into my ear making butterflies destroy my stomach as I bit onto my bottom lip.

"And who said I'll be yours?" I asked teasingly, looking at her through my lashes as a smirk grew on her face "I always get what I want"

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