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Athena's POV

I was on the phone with Natalie who called me just to talk but I can't talk for long because I'm on my way to the modeling agency which I'm so excited for.

I can't even thank Victoria enough for this. She gave me an opportunity of a life time and I am so fucking grateful for that.

Dexter texted me and told me that he had seen my pictures on Instagram and he wants me to be modeling for him since he sees a lot of potential in me.

"Nat I have to go now" I said looking out of the window and looked at the huge building "okay pretty, take care of yourself and don't be nervous, you'll do great"

"Thank you for that but I still feel like throwing up" I heard her let out a little laugh and I let out a breathe, leaving the Uber "you'll be okay. Have fun and don't stress about it"

"Okay. Bye" I said "bye" I hung up, placed my phone in my purse and made sure I look okay then walked towards the entrance of the building.

I looked around as I made my way to the reception but was stopped by some woman "Athena, I'm so happy I got to see you" some girl said excitedly "hey. You are?" I asked hesitantly and she laughed "I'm sorry. I'm Olivia, Dexter Grant's assistant. He asked me to meet you at the door and take you to him" she said walking with me towards the elevator.

We walked in the elevator together "he's been talking non-stop about you. I can see why but he never does this, he sees something in you that he doesn't see in anyone else" I smiled at what she said and felt a bit more confident.

We got to the floor that he's on and she took me towards him "Athena, so happy you made it" he said offering his hand for me to shake which I did "happy I could be here" I said making him smile.

I wrapped my arm around his when he offered as he started taking me to wherever it is with his assistant walking beside us.

"We usually have a few of my co-workers see your walk, your stance and everything so we can see if you're qualified enough to be apart of this but I already told them that you're in" he has really high expectations for me and i don't even think I know how to 'model walk' since I've never been in a runway show, just photos.

I thought this was going to be just photos but apparently Dexter has other plans.

"I know you might not know how to do all those things since you just recently started but I'm willing to teach you everything, if you're willing to give this job everything you can offer" he said and I nodded my head "of course I am. This is an opportunity of a life time, I will not disappoint you"

"I know you're not going to.." we got to a few people who were shooting some very beautiful girls "..we take pictures here of our models. That's Amani, Carmen and a few of our new models. They're absolutely amazing and nice so you'll become friends quickly"

They are so beautiful. Like unbelievably gorgeous.

"These are our staff. IT, photographers and editors" this shit is actually real I can't.

"But you do have to sign an NDA so come to my office" he said taking me to his office. I sat down on the chair in front of his desk as he sat down on his chair "if you want me to be your agent, you need to sign an NDA just like everyone else. If you sign this.." he said putting a pen and a paper in front of me.

"..it means everything you hear or see or do is confidential and shouldn't be talked about with anyone. No starting drama and you should be listening to what I say or what your future manager says" I can't just throw this away. What's the worst that could happen?

I took the pen and signed the paper after reading all of it "here you go" he smiled and nodded "let's get started then"


I got to know a few of the models and they are actually really nice. They're so social and fun to talk to. I was so stressed about the people I'm going to meet but I'm feeling so relaxed right now.

"Who's that sexy woman?" I turned around when Carmen pointed behind me just to see Victoria walking in with Dexter. She looked at me and came towards us.

"Hey" she said keeping her focus on me "hey. What are you doing here?" I asked making her laugh a little "I came here to be a bit supportive Damn" I laughed at what she said and shook my head "I didn't mean it as something bad, you're just always busy especially in the morning"

"I can free up a bit of space-" I cut her off "for me?" I asked teasingly. She frowned her eyebrows and shook her head "no" she walked past me and wrapped her arm around one of the models' shoulder "you're in a modeling job. Beautiful women are everywhere so I'm not gonna miss that"

I rolled my eyes at her with a small smile on my face "anyways I gotta go talk to Dexter, I'll catch you later" she said looking at me and the other model then walked away.

"Is she your girl?" Carmen asked smiling. I shook my head "no. We just mess around here and there"

"I don't know you seemed jealous" Genevieve said. I rolled my eyes "I was not jealous. It was an.. act" they laughed at what I said and Amani, who Victoria was holding came towards me "she's one of my old friends by the way. She doesn't touch anyone she doesn't know" she reassured me "as if I care"

She pinched the side of my body "you do care. We met you today and we know you're crushing on her" she commented as everyone nodded, agreeing with her "shut up. I'm not crushing also she's not the only one in the picture so"

"Oh damn" Carmen said "our girl likes options" Amani commented making me laugh "it's not like I'm doing anything bad. They know I'm not looking for a relationship and just messing around"

"You sure she knows that?" I frowned my eyebrows in confusion from Carmen's question and turned to look at Victoria who was already looking at me but looked away when my eyes met hers.

"Yeah she does. She was just.. looking" I said. Genevieve nodded and looked at her wrist as if there was a watch "for a good five minutes. Just looking my ass"


I had my first photo shoot today with the new agency and I am so happy about how it turned out. It looks so good.

Also, now I have an actual professional manager not just a friend of mine that doesn't even get paid for what she does and just does it for fun.

I don't know, all of this is so exciting for me. I'm having so much fun and I made new friends.

This is all a dream come true.

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