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Athena's POV

I woke up still in Victoria's bed but she wasn't beside me anymore so I rubbed my eyes and lifted my head up to see her back facing me as she took some shirt.

She changed out of her suit pants and wore some grey sweatpants.

My eyes focused on her strong back covered with tattoos. Her muscles flexed as she put her shirt on "Victoria Walter wears regular clothes? No way" I said jokingly making her turn to look at me with a small smile "hey you" she said, pulling her shirt down completely.

I guess she doesn't wear a bra at home. My lucky day.

"Hi" I said smiling widely at her. Someone knocked on the door making us break eye contact. Victoria walked towards the door, opened it and said a few words to the person before walking back in with two cups of coffee.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her sitting up as she sat beside me "embarrassed. I'm sorry about the whole scene I did" I placed my hand on the side of her face and rubbed my thumb on her cheek softly "it's okay"

She looked into my eyes and didn't look away for a long time "you look good in my clothes" she complimented making me look down at the shirt I was wearing and letting out a small laugh "I do" I agreed with her making her smile.

"You have a beautiful house" I said taking a sip from my coffee "eh I don't like it" I frowned my eyebrows in confusion "why?" I asked her.

I'd die to have a house as beautiful as hers.

"Too big for one person" I really really really want to ask about her family but I'm fighting the urge to.

It's not my business and some people don't like talking about their family.

If she wanted to talk about them, she would.

"That's understandable. You love cats, why don't you get cats?" I asked her and she smiled "I have cats. I love cats" she looked so happy saying that, it was the cutest thing ever.

"Really? I wanna see them" I said to her "right now?" She asked excitedly "yes right now"

She stood up, placed her coffee on her nightstand so I did the same and followed her out of her room.

We went to a room on the same floor and she opened the door, letting me in then stepping in behind me.

It was a huge room that she had done for her cats "those are a lot of cats" I said to her about the many cats "yeah. I adopted three a while ago.." she crouched down and a few cats came running towards her "..and the rest I rescued" she said petting the cats.

The cats seemed to love her so much.

I crouched down when one of the cats came towards me and started petting her "that's Nala, she's the oldest cat here" she said and I smiled down at her, sitting down and letting her get on my lap "she's so cute"

"Who's that?" I asked pointing at an orange cat who's the only one that didn't get up and kept sleeping on one of the beds she had for them.

Victoria went towards her and picked her up, carrying her like a little baby and kissing her head "this is Rocky. He's really sick, he doesn't have that much time left. I adopted him so he doesn't die alone" she said sitting down beside me.

I pouted my lip and started petting the sleepy little boy "now he has me and his other little friends" she said making me smile "that's so sweet of you"

I looked in front of me for a second then took a second look "that is not a cat" I said laughing a little as the raccoon approached Victoria "don't say that to him. He thinks he's a cat" she said petting him too "why do you even have him?"

What is a raccoon doing in between like ten cats?

This is definitely the highlight of my year.

"He was on my property so now he's mine" she explained oh so simply making me laugh again "this is the funniest thing I have ever seen" I said making Victoria smile.

"I'm surprised that it is. Your whole life is a fucking joke" she said making me gasp. I hit her "that was so mean" kinda funny too.

She ignored what I said and looked at the two cats in my lap "I thought you didn't like cats" she said smiling at the many cats surrounding the both of us "they're cute" maybe I do like cats.

"Okay let's go, I'm starving" she said giving the cats kisses on their heads. Every single one of them. Including their raccoon friend.

Then she stood up, coming towards me as I stood by the door "the raccoon looks so funny with them" I said making her smile and look back at him one last time "he's a little cutie, leave him alone"

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