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Athena's POV

"I'm so excited. Dexter finally allowed me to drink" I said to Natalie as she drove us to a club she wants to take me to.

Dexter's diet for me and the rest of the models is fucking hardcore. I don't mind eating healthy, I actually love it but every now and then I crave something sweet and unhealthy but I can't even have a cheat day.

Also, I'm the type of girl that likes having snacks every single second of the day and I just genuinely like eating.

I thought it would be so easy at first but it's not. I miss being unhealthy.

He told me that I can't drink because it might lead to me gaining weight. As much as I hate that, I chose to be a model so I'll just try to resist not drinking.

But he finally gave me permission to drink once every few weeks.

Natalie stopped at a red light then turned her head to look at me with a big smile on her face "you're so beautiful" she complimented making me smile. I placed my hand on her cheek and rubbed my thumb over her skin "says you"

She kept looking at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world "I could look at you for days" she said taking my hand and kissing it gently then the car behind us started honking making us both laugh.

Her hand reached out for my thigh and she pushed the dress up a little so she can place it on my exposed skin which gave me butterflies and made my face burn a little.

Like I said many times before, Natalie makes me feel so good. In many ways.

She parked her car then we got out of the car "does my makeup look okay?" I asked her after applying more lipgloss because why not.

"You look amazing" she moved my hair away from my face and squinted her eyes at me "I just noticed the glitter. It's so cute" she complimented making me smile "yeah I bought a new highlighter with some glitter in it" she noticed.

"I love it" I smiled and looked down shyly as I placed my hands on her exposed waist.

Natalie was wearing some black baggy pants, a white cropped shirt that wrapped around her breasts so perfectly and also showed her toned abs.

You can tell she works out every now and then and her tattoos, I just love tattoos. She also had a belly piercing which added a little spice.

"You actually made me so happy when you said that" I said looking up into her eyes again "good. Making you happy is my top priority"

"Oh hot-" Natalie pushed the guy that was trying to get too close to me "Don't even finish that" she threatened him. He sniffed and wiped his nose with his sleeve clearly drunk then just walked away.

"Look at you being protective of me" I said hooking my arm around hers. She smiled as we walked towards the entrance of the club "gotta protect my girl"

My girl I like that.

We skipped the line for the club because Natalie knows the owner of the club.

She let me walk in front of her since it was crowded and we couldn't be side to side but she held my waist to make sure we stayed close to each other.

I placed my hand over hers and we finally got out of the crowded space and to the bar that didn't have as many people "I really need to pee. Order me some tequila shots" I said kissing her cheek and going to the bathroom.

Thank god there wasn't a long line because I was going to pee myself.

I finished my business, cleaned up and everything then went back to the bar to see some girl talking to Natalie.

Oh no.

Sure, she can mess around with other people but I am such a jealous person, I cannot see this happening and do nothing.

Natalie saw me approaching her and her eyes let up as a smile formed on her face. She didn't look happy about the girl talking to her which I liked so much.

I smiled at her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she sat on the chair at the bar and saved me a seat beside her.

I pushed my lips against hers for a quick make out session then looked at the girl who was not happy anymore "oh hi. Introduce us babe" I asked looking at Natalie who bit her bottom lip when she noticed what I was doing then she wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me even closer to her.

"I'm Norah" she said looking me up and down thinking I'll find that offensive or something. I really couldn't care less about this random ass woman.

"Nice to meet you, Norah. I'm Athena" I said in a way too nice tone as I put my hand out for her to shake. I know this shit is going to annoy her.

Norah rolled her eyes and walked away "rude" I said pulling my hand back and looking at Natalie who was already looking at me "god you're so sexy" she said before kissing me.

I hummed and pulled back from the kiss "show me how sexy I am later but now, I am getting wasted"


"I wanna get ice cream" I whined as Natalie and I stepped out of the club.

I had the best night of my life.

I am so drunk and Natalie was just being her sexy self the whole night.

We were dancing together, kissing, singing along to a few songs and just having so much fucking fun. And like I said many times before, this is how shit is when I'm with my Natalie.

"You want ice cream? We'll get you ice cream" she said making me smile as she held me tightly and closely so i don't fall "do you really like me, Natalie?" I asked her.

We reached her car and she nodded her head "I do like you, Athena" she said opening the door for me but I turned to look at her before I got in the car "but why? You're too good to me. I don't deserve you" I said putting my head on her chest.

I can be a bit emotional when I'm drunk.

"Aw baby. You deserve everything good in this world.." she kissed my head then made me pull back from the hug so she can cup my face with her hands "..women like you shouldn't be crying. The only thing I care about is making you happy and seeing you smile. You're too beautiful to doubt yourself, especially with me"

"You're the only thing on my mind during the day. I care about you more than anything and I will do everything in my power to give you the best life you can have"

She pecked my lips softly and I just looked at her in disbelief. I don't think I've heard something sweeter and more sincere than this. My heart is literally so happy right now.

Words cannot and will not describe how happy I am and how much I appreciate this woman for being such an amazing caring person to me.

I've had too many toxic people become a huge part of my life so it's refreshing to have someone so wonderful in my life.

"Now get in the car and let's go get you some ice cream"

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