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Athena's POV

"You promise you'll buy me the groceries? I really need them" I said after pulling back from the kiss again "I fucking hate you" she said because I pulled back from the kiss again. I love annoying her.

She leaned in to kiss me again but I looked to the side making her kiss my cheek instead "I really need you to promise me" I said making her groan loudly as she gripped my ass with her good hand, making me step back into my apartment as she kept holding me "I'm gonna commit a crime if you don't shut up"

I moaned quietly and bit onto my lip "that's so hot" I said making her laugh. She kicked the door shut as she kept laughing at what I said "you're so weird. I love it" she said before kissing me again.

We kept making out roughly then she pulled back "you gonna let me fuck you baby?" She whispered with her nose touching mine. I nodded my head with no hesitation "yes" it came out quieter than i intended.

She's very intimidating and sexy. I can't handle it.

Everything in me is craving her right now.

I held her hand and took her to my room. I turned to look at her again and took my shirt off then threw it somewhere on the floor "you're pretty" she blurted out making me laugh a little "thank you"

Her smile became even bigger which made me happy.

She took her tie off and started unbuttoning her shirt with one hand but I stopped her "I'll do it for you" I said finishing it off for her and removing it off her shoulders as we both looked into each other's eyes "I need you so bad" I said smashing my lips onto hers.

I heard her let out a quiet moan into my mouth making me smile. This is going to be good.

"Get on the fucking bed" she demanded as she started undoing her belt with one hand. I laid down on the bed, completely ready for her to do whatever the fuck she wants to do to me.

She placed one knee on the bed and held my thigh, pushing it so I can open my legs even more.

Her eyes never left mine and I just couldn't look away from hers. They're so sexy and seductive.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good" she said quietly slipping her hand into my panties and started rubbing my clit making me moan softly, putting my head back on the bed.

"Look at me or I'm gonna stop" she threatened slowing her movements. I lifted my head up and looked into her beautiful eyes "that's my girl" she mumbled quietly with a small smirk forming on her face.

My eyes trailed down her strong toned body. Her six pack is so visible with tattoos covering the left side of it, her toned v-line looking sexy as ever and her thighs oh my god. I have no words to describe how sexy her body is.

She took her knee off the bed and stood in front of me, holding my thighs and pulling me closer to the edge of the bed.

Her fingers slipped into the waistband of my panties and pulled them off me, completely exposing me to her.

Victoria licked her lips as she spread my legs wider "you're so perfect" she mumbled so quietly that I barely even heard it.

She slowly got down on her knees, placing just a few kisses on my inner thighs then attaching her lips to my clit.

"Oh god" I moaned when I felt her going rough with her mouth as she slipped two of her fingers inside of me, not giving me any time to adjust and going hard and rough immediately.

I arched my back and threw my head back in pleasure as my hands gripped the bed sheets.

I felt her stop sucking my clit but kept her fingers going in the same roughness "what did I fucking say? Look at me" she demanded.

Moans kept leaving my mouth as I lifted my head up a little to look down on her "keep your fucking eyes on me" she started sucking me again and my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I moaned out her name loudly.

She slapped my thigh -not so roughly because of her injured hand- when I closed my eyes and made me open them again.

The way she was looking at me while eating me out was such a turn on.

I can feel my orgasm getting so close and I know it's going to feel so fucking good.

"Yes baby, keep going" I started breathing heavily as my fingers moved in between her hair, gently pulling it as my eyebrows frowned together in pleasure while my legs slightly shook.

"I'm cumming oh my god" my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I let my head fall back on the bed as I came hard on her fingers.

She slowed down the movement of her fingers and pulled them out. She licked in between my folds a few times then pulled back.

I opened my eyes to look at her as she stood up. She placed her two fingers in her mouth and sucked my cum off them "you taste so good" she said holding my hand and pulling me up.

She leaned down and kissed me gently "you alright?" She asked getting on the bed beside me. I smiled and hummed "I'm okay"

We laid under the blanket and she put her arm out so I can lay on her chest "I didn't think you like cuddling" I said putting my head on her chest "I don't. Physical touch in any way is fucking disgusting"

I laughed and didn't say anything, just closed my eyes and let myself enjoy cuddling her since it might not happen again.

"Get some sleep, princess"

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now