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Athena's POV

"Victoria be careful, you're gonna hurt yourself" I said holding her arm to stop her from going to her car.

She can't drive when she's like this. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

"It's not like you care" she said, pulling her arm away from me roughly as she started looking for her keys "my fucking keys!" She yelled annoyed.

I stopped her and placed my hands on her face, making her look at me "baby you're gonna hurt yourself if you drive alone. Let me take you home" I said rubbing her face gently.

Her eyes were starting to get glossy and sparkly as tears gathered in her eyes but she still pushed my hands away from her face.

"Let me get hurt. No one's gonna care, not even you!" She yelled pointing her finger at me "what happened baby? Did I do something?" I asked stepping closer to her as she stepped back drunkly, wiping under her eye aggressively.

"The world doesn't revolve around you Athena! You're fucking no one to me!"

I would be getting really hurt because of the way she's yelling at me but she's really drunk.

Maybe she doesn't mean anything.

But it's still hurting me a little bit.

"I'm fucking no one, even to you" she said, her voice getting a bit quieter and more hurt as she spoke "what makes you say that?"

"I was alone the whole night!" She yelled at me "you didn't even look at me. I bet you didn't even think of me or even remember the fact that I was existing at the same place you were at because you were so distracted with your beloved Natalie"

"Let me call you an Uber baby" I said taking my phone out of my purse. I ordered an Uber then looked back at Victoria who was leaning back on her car since she's too drunk to stand straight up.

I'm surprised she even remembers her address. She's so drunk.

She was looking down as her hand gripped her button up shirt, right over her stomach. It seemed like it was out of anxiousness, not physical pain.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her down into a hug. She wrapped one arm around me and placed her face into the crook of my neck "I don't want you to leave me" she whispered quietly "I'm not going to"

The Uber arrived and I helped her get in it then I got in behind her.


I have to go and make sure
Vic gets home
Sorry :(

It's okay
Don't worry about it :)

Text me when you get back

I will
Take care of yourself

I put my phone down and the smile I had my on face while I was texting Natalie died when I saw Victoria looking out the window, looking so fucking sad.

I moved closer to her and placed my head on her shoulder and interlocked my fingers with hers. Her whole body relaxed and I looked up at her to see her eyes closed. I smiled a little and placed a soft kiss on her jaw.

The Uber stopped in front of a gate which lead into, I'm guessing her huge ass house so we got out of the car and I made her wrap her arm around my shoulder so she doesn't fall as I held her by her waist.

She waved her hand to a camera next to the gate then the gate started to open. I helped her get inside and a guard came rushing towards us, holding Victoria from the other side "is she okay?" He asked worried "she's just really drunk. We need to get her to her room"

We stepped into the beautiful house "her room is upstairs" he said and I sighed a little. She's a tall ass muscular woman, this is going to be hard.

"I'm gonna carry her, she can barely stand up" he added but Victoria shook her head "no don't fucking carry me"

"I'm sorry ma'am but I have to. Miss Solace is wearing a dress and you're really drunk, I can't get you up on my own unless I carry you" he said.

Okay so he knows my name.

"I'm gonna fire you" she said and he laughed shaking his head "you've told me that at least ten times already"

He carried her and placed her over his shoulder. I laughed at how she looked and she lifted her head up to look at me "the only thing good about this is seeing you laugh" she drunkenly said making me blush a little.

She was just yelling at me but it's okay, I understand the mood swings since she's really drunk.

I went up the stairs behind them and followed behind the guard as he took her to her room.

We stepped into her room and it was an absolute classy mess?

Like it was so messy but it was all suits. The jackets, pants and button up shirts. Nothing else.

"It's a mess here" I said and he nodded, placing Victoria down on her bed "it all happened today and Miss Walter doesn't like anyone cleaning her room for her" he explained as he took Victoria's shoes off for her since she fell asleep the moment he put her down.

"This all happened today?" I asked him and he nodded. He looked at me and placed her hands behind his back "Miss Walter is gonna actually fire me for saying this but she was really nervous about today because you were gonna be there"

"She told one of our workers to help her choose what she thinks you'll like because she didn't want to wear something you wouldn't like but she got so nervous and ended up wearing her regular suit since you've seen her in it before"

Who knew that Victoria is an actual cute baby?

"Just don't tell her I told you" he said making me laugh as he left the room and closed the door.

I went towards her and sat on the edge of the bed, gently playing with her hair "can you stay with me?" She asked with her eyes still closed.

I don't think I have to tell her what he said, she probably heard it.

"You want me to stay?" She nodded her head and hummed, not opening her eyes "please"

"Okay. Can I wear something from your clothes? This is really uncomfortable" I said and she nodded, smiling widely "please wear something from my clothes" I laughed and rubbed her cheek gently "okay then"

I successfully took my dress off then took one of her white button up shirts, putting it on then getting in bed beside her.

I was laying on my side, playing with her hair as she kept laying on her back "I'm sorry. If you have something to go, you can go, you don't have to stay if you don't-" I shushed her "just sleep baby"

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