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Athena's POV

"Are you okay beautiful?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and forced a smile on my face as I felt Natalie's hand when she placed her hand on mine "yeah I'm okay"

"You sure? You seem a bit off" she said rubbing her thumb over my skin in a comforting way making me relax a little bit.

But I am a bit off.

Victoria is fucking with my head so much. I am trying to enjoy this date instead of letting Victoria get what she wants but I can't.

I can't deny how much I crave Victoria, how much I need her, how good she makes me feel in every single way.

Her sudden disappearance was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I thought she did something bad to herself. I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if something happened to her.

It was so scary and tiring because I had to wake up in the morning and go work on whatever it is even though I felt horrible because I couldn't stop thinking of Victoria.

She is so complicated. I don't think I'll ever be able to figure her out unless she chooses to open up to me and help me understand her which will make everything SO much easier.

My eyes looked behind Natalie when I noticed a familiar figure stepping into the restaurant and being stopped by one of the waiters.

I tried to keep my cool and smiled at Natalie "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I said and Natalie smiled, nodding her head "okay"

I walked towards them quickly and held Victoria's hand "she's with me" I said to the waiter who nodded and stepped back.

I pulled Victoria towards the bathroom and locked the door since it wasn't really the multiple stall type of bathroom. Just one fancy bathroom.

"What are you doing? Are you insane?" She held my waist and crashed her lips on mine without any hesitation "for you, I'll be anything" she said breathlessly, pushing me back so my back is pressed against the wall.

Her lips met mine again and I just melted into her touch, kissing her back passionately as her hands roamed all over my body.

"Why did you leave?" I asked her, backing away from the kiss as I placed my hands on her chest to stop her from kissing me again.

Her eyes softened when she noticed how emotional it made me and how I wasn't angry anymore.

"I didn't want to leave you but I tend to run away when good things happen to me because I'm just not used to it. When you held me, I felt so safe to the point that it scared me and I- I don't know how to get my point across" she said nervously, scratching the back of her neck as she avoided eye contact with me.

I pecked her cheek making her look into my eyes "it's okay. I was just really worried about you" I explained as I played with her hair. She smiled and placed her forehead on mine "it's nice to know that someone cares"

We kept kissing slowly as she held me so close to her then a knock on the door made us both jump a little "you okay in there?" I heard Natalie ask from behind the door.

Victoria rolled her eyes when she heard Natalie's voice and started kissing my neck "yes I just.." think think think "..I messed up my makeup a little so I'm trying to fix it" I think that's valid.

"Oh okay. I'll be waiting for you"

I placed my head back on the wall and breathed heavily as Victoria gently sucked on my neck. Her hand moved down to my thigh and lifted it up so I can wrap it around her waist as she pressed herself against me.

"Vic" I mumbled, feeling extremely horny at what she's doing which is completely out of my control.

"Yes baby?" She whispered against my neck with the most sexual tone I have ever heard. That did a lot of things to me.

"I have to go" I pushed her back softly and she pulled her hands back, her face expressions turning to an angry one as she sighed loudly "yeah okay"

"I'll talk to you later?" I asked smiling slightly at her. She smiled weakly and nodded her head "yeah"

I made sure I looked presentable in the mirror and noticed a small hickey on my neck but it was pretty noticeable. I looked at Victoria through the mirror and she smiled when she saw the hickey she just gave me "oh well. Have fun in your date" I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm as she walked out of the bathroom.

I just put my hair over it since I have nothing to cover it with so I have to remind myself not to move my hair a lot.

I went back to the table and smiled at Natalie who smiled back at me "I missed you" she said cutely making me smiled and blush a little "you're cute"

I looked out the big windows they have in the restaurant and my eyes landed on Victoria who was looking at me. She opened the door to her car and stepped in, driving away.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been a little off recently" Natalie said with concern clear on her voice as she reached for my hand and held it. I nodded my head "just a little overwhelmed with work. You know how it is"


"What's that?" Oh shit. I forgot.

Natalie pointed at my neck as we were now on my couch, making out after our cute little date. I stayed quiet since I didn't really want to lie to her but at the same time I didn't want to tell her. She just has to figure it out herself.

She clenched her jaw and rested back on the couch "it's that bitch, isn't it?" She said angrily "that's not really nice of you to say" Natalie let out a laugh and stood up "whatever dude"

"Natalie come on, please" I said standing up with her and walking behind her as she went towards the door.

"I can't do this anymore. You have to choose"

This is definitely not a question I've been prepared for but I definitely knew this was coming at some point, not now though.

I don't know what I want to choose yet. I like them both.

Which one is better for me though?

Stuck in between // lesbian story Where stories live. Discover now