I am royally fucked.
My eyes go wide, staring at the test in front of me.
"20 minutes and counting Brando." Hamilton knocks on my dressing room door. The room was dead silent - apart from the tapping of his feet from outside the door.
My mind fights with me for seconds on end before I swing open the door and pull Hamilton right inside.
"Woah, what are you doing?! Your not even ready. We have to leave in 20 or we wont-"
Just let it out.
"I'm pregnant!" I shout quickly before smacking my hand over my mouth in shock. This is the first time I'd ever said it out loud.
He too smacked his hand over his mouth and his other hand smoothing down his braids.
"Oh my good God!"
"Yup." I reply, nearly speechless.
He suddenly gets up and strolls over to me, next to the positive pregnancy test. Lewis stares down at it and blinks a few times like he's making sure his eyes aren't playing tricks on him. He sighs and then pulls me into his side, placing a hand on my stomach.
"Oh this one's going to be feisty for sure!" He jokes making me laugh out loud, "Just like it's mum."
"Awh I love you Lew!" I say to him.
"Never ever call me that again." He reply's - grossed out and letting me go.
"Sorry- thought it would've worked." I laugh at him.Then... silence.
I guess he had no idea what to say or even where to start. The silence carried on for a few more seconds before he finally asked the most obvious thing on his mind:"Who's the father then Sayd?"
I begin to open my mouth before he interrupts me ... "Norris or Leclerc."
I gulp at him, completely starstruck.
The door then swings open in-front of us and in struts my best friend.
"Good luck toda-" She stops still in her tracks, realising she'd walked in during a serious conversation, "What's Sadie done now?"
"Believe it or not missy, my prime entertainment 99% of the time comes from you. Now spill."
She is not wrong there.
Oh damn, here it goes-
"SHE'S SLEPT WITH EITHER LECLERC OR NORRIS AND SHE'S PREGNANT." Hamilton shouts before slapping his hand over his mouth once again.
Little shit beat me to it. My head falls into my hands.
"Oh my fucking God!" I hear Ellie react to the news.
"Good or bad?"
"Both. Who's the father?"Wow she wastes no time.
The room falls silent. My head was still in my hands, not daring to peep out and experience the wrath of my best friend and my racing partner. But I didn't need to peep out - they was already hugging me.
"Oh Sayd this is great news." Ellie says, making me too stunned to speak.
She stuns me with her change of heart and warmth of her smile.
"I'm gonna be an auntie for fuck sake!" She basically shouts at the top her her lungs.
Hamilton places a finger on her lips and shushes her, "Not too loud or Sayd can't race.""Oh piss off she is not racing with my niece or nephew in that stomach of hers."
They continue to bicker before I get them both to be quiet, "Guys I'm racing end of story. This is the last race of the year I can't opt out now."
I look to Hamilton who is contently smiling and his girlfriend who looks like she'll die of stress any minute now.
"Ellie." I put my hands on her shoulders in reassurance, "I will be absolutely fine, I'll be back before you know it."
I begin to grab all my gear I will need for today before I'm halted in my tracks.
"You've told him right?" Lewis asks.
My face goes red - nope I haven't.
"It's obvious she hasn't. You better tell him after this race or I swear to-" Ellie tells me.
"Yes of course I will Ellie. He's the father of my unborn child."My queue to leave
I close the door behind me and stand at the top of my stairs just admiring all the static dressing rooms around me. As I'm patrolling the grounds with my eyes I see the girl I hate most in the world - Lucia.
She was staring at me with anger in her eyes. What's wrong with her today? Bad hair day? Nevertheless, I take no notice of her furious eyes and instead keep on walking down the stairs, towards the racing grounds.
I say hello to my team as I enter the pits as well as my boss who greets me with a stern - race day ready- look.
"Go smash it today Brando!" He announces in front of the whole squad. I thank him and then signal for him to bend down closer to my face and I whisper into his ear, "Can I talk to you later about something boss?"
"Yes of course." He says and pats me on the back before letting me go.
I have to come clean to him. I won't be able to race next year if I decide on having the baby.
Do I even want the baby?Thoughts keep spiralling in my head before a tall brunette basically bundles me to the ground. And just like a motherly instinct my hands latch hard onto my stomach, not wincing for my pain just in case the baby was in pain.
What I did not realise however, is that thousands of people had watched that live.
I doubt they'd have paid much attention to my action though. 100% not.
"Oh shit my bad. Are you okay Sadie?" My brother, Jamie says worriedly but I try play it off the best I can.
"Oh I'm totally fine, only a scratch."
He begins to help me up, still having a confused look upon his face before someone is holding the back of me, also helping.
"Jamie you really need to work on your landing, mate!" Lando jokes as he pushes me back onto my feet.
Jamie laughs and scratches his head. I smile at him and then turn to Norris.
"Your alright,yeah?"
"Yup all good. Have a good race out there."
"You too." He brings me in for a hug and just like clockwork Charles walks around the corner, latching eyes with me.I smile at him and he quickly nods at me. His little girlfriend in tow - shouting at him about something stupid probably.
It's race time!

FanfictionThe man that I thought I hated. Was now holding my waist and I was sat before him in a quite compromising position. "You know Lando can't give you what I can." He says quietly but loud enough for me to hear. Butterflies, for the third time tonight...