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Security managed to rescue the day - urging the media out of the area and breaking up the fight. Lewis stood behind me with a firm grip on my shoulder. He knew how much I wanted to go over there and make sure both were okay but...

By the looks of things that could make it much worse.

I see the leggy blonde stood staring at me whilst her boyfriend was still trying to get at his best friend.

I know I should've just ignored her, to make it better for myself but I'm only human I suppose ...

I marched over to her and got in her face as I spat venom at her. I haven't forgotten about how she outed my brothers condition to the whole world.

"Your a piece of work you know that."

She laughs back at me combing her hands through her hair, completely unbothered by the situations unravelling right now. "You need to calm down on frowning babe - your getting frown lines."

"I'm not your fucking babe!" I shout at her as I get pulled away by Hamilton before I do anything stupid.

"She's not worth it Sayd." He tells me holding onto me tightly like I was fragile.

She smiles and waves as I'm dragged away back into the pits just to see even more commotion.

Lando and Charles are dragged down opposite ends of the hallway, still ironically cursing at each other.

"Your a piece of shit you know that."

"You can fucking talk. At least I'm not the one that intentionally tried to hurt her!"

Hurt who? Is all I could think as I walked down the same hallway as Charles.

He had 3 men holding him as they walking him to his room, they soon came to a turn and that's when I saw the bloody face of his.

His left cheek was covered in blood and his lip had been burst open with blood also running down the side of his right eyebrow.

His green eyes were directly aimed towards me. I never felt I could be so vulnerable - after all that's happened, I still find it weird.

He's moved on now - but why do I feel as though he's hiding something. Potentially something big.

His eyes looked full of anger but had a subtle glimpse of sorrow. I tried to smile at him before he turned away and kept walking.


We followed them as they exited and walked Leclerc towards his static home. Mine was a few feet away from his.

A helicopter was then heard - it's propellers loud and deafening. As I looked upwards I saw a camera hung out and pointing at me.

I was escorted inside my static home by my team and I sat myself on the sofa staring up towards the ceiling still hearing the loudness of the helicopter above.

I hear the door open again as my head shoots back down. The footsteps of the boss is then heard and I stand to my feet.

He had a wide grin on his face which also seemed to be masking his worries.

"Spill" I tell him knowing it would be about Lando and Charles. He looks at me with a sympathetic look before continuing, "I want you to know this will look bad on you as they was fighting over you."

"Me?" I say confused. "Why"

"I have no idea but the media will rip into you tomorrow. I've already got loads of news companies wanting an interview." He says, "They will congratulate you on your win but don't be fooled. They couldn't care less."

Wolff pats me on the shoulder before turning and leaving. Once he'd left I sighed - I was left with so much confusion and I couldn't even get any answers over it.

We stay in the room for quite a while - it was dead silent waiting for news over the fight to flood the papers and television.

And plus what will happen now that they had fought again. Will they be forbidden to drive?

"Wolff says he needs you to go down to him. Your having a meeting apparently." A staff member reveals.

I swallow the lump in my throat and get up. Lewis pulls at my arm which makes me look down - he gives me a reassuring grin which I give a fake one back. Too worried about what was to come.

Was they going to drop me from Mercedes?

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