New beginnings

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2nd October - 2 months after

"And fans go wild for Pérez who's just won the Singapore Grand Prix- with Leclerc coming close second and Sainz in third. It's an amazing day for Ferrari!" The commentator shouts at the top of his lungs.

I was in Ferrari's pit cheering on a certain someone. He'd just won second place and from the sounds of it down the ear piece he's so happy with himself. F1 said he was allowed to stay on after he was released from custody.

Mercedes told me I needed a couple months off to clear my head. They didn't want me "not in the zone"to drive from what's happened the last few months. In other words, they'd rather just keep me off so they don't get any bad media attention. Which I can understand.

Plus it's been nice to have time off, of course I'd been training still but I'd been able to do more things with my family. Mattie most importantly - his health seemed to have spiralled downwards, he's been in hospital for two weeks. I don't know how long I can keep this under wraps from the media - especially now that me and Charles are officially a couple.

Yeah you heard me right! He asked me out on a date a few weeks ago. He's decided to stay in London for the time being which is very convenient for me.

"WOOO GO MY FUTURE BROTHER IN LAW!" Ellie says as she shout at the screen as Leclerc hops out of his car waving at the crowd. I roll my eyes at her, since being pregnant she's definitely become more enthusiastic. She's not even going to be my boyfriends sister in law, but I'll let it slide as she's basically my sister. She's gone back to med school a couple times a week - she's an A star student so she can afford to have some time off.

My brother Jamie runs out even before I go to go greet Charles. He throws his arms around him, bringing him into a brotherly hug. Both my brothers can't get over the fact that the media was basically right and it was "formula love" that brought us together. I still don't believe that but... whatever.

"Hey Sayd how'd you think I did!" He asks as he picks me up and spins me around. He puts me down and puts a quick arm around Ellie before looking to me for an answer.

"I definitely would've beaten you if I was driving today." I said sarcastically with an ounce of meaning too. I'm not a shit driver and neither is he, I just don't like the mentality of me thinking he's better than me. Let's be real I'll always win. In my own way.

He lets out a loud laugh before playfully punching me on the shoulder, I pretend to cry out in pain and stumble back nearly losing my footing when someone from behind uses their body weight to re-balance me. "Oh thanks ..." I begin.

Oh my god Lando. I hadn't seen him in ages.

"Hey Sadie." He grins at me then turning to Leclerc and giving him a nod. I knew things were still awkward between the three of us. I mean why would they not be - I messed them both around.

"Hi Lando!" I say enthusiastically leaning into him exchanging a small embrace.

"We'll done on Charles. I'll get you next time!" He exclaims mid hug. They both laughed at each other before he strolls away.

"Soooo me and Jay are gonna get drinks, be right back." Ellie says feeling the tension already as she grabs my brother, forcing him to go with her. Jamie tries to get out of her grasp but it's no use and he ends up just giving up.

"Have you spoken to him yet Sayd?" Charles asks inquisitively. "Not since a few weeks back, I feel too bad to talk to him."

"We'll I think you- we'll we should. Clear the air with him. I'll give him a text later about meeting up." He says gently.

I nod at him becoming more relieved. I've had this pit in my stomach for ages - I've felt bad for the way I treated him, well Charles too but mainly him. Lando was nothing but sweet and kind to me and I basically took that for granted.

"Don't worry about it for now, we've got better things to be doing." He says, distracting me from my thoughts as he brings me in for a kiss. He holds the back of my head, just under my ponytail.

We soon realise we're still in front of millions of people so we stop and walk into the pits. "My boss is about to make a speech. Let's sit." Charles indicates as he sits down.

Oh there's no chairs, I thought to myself as I glance around the room at the 50 other people along with me. I contemplated sitting on the floor until I get pulled by the hips, downwards on Charles' lap. My face burns bright as I try to hide my sudden nervousness. He chuckles quietly burying himself into my hair then kissing the back of my neck a few times as we listen to his boss.

His hands then make their way to the front resting on my lower stomach. My heart rate accelerates by a lot as I try to steady my breathing. He grabs my hand holding it tight enough for me to calm down, I soon start to recline further becoming more comfortable by the minute.

I offer a small smile to Carlos Sainz sat next to me and he too smiles back. He gives a few glances at Charles and starts to laugh.

Hm weird.

"He wasn't laughing at you Sadie, he's just laughing about how fucking right that paper that wrote "formula love" was." He says as he leans into my ear.

I nod and laugh under my breath barely listening to his boss. I didn't really care. He wasn't Wolff so there was no need.

Definitely new beginnings, I thought to myself.

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