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I feel a heavy pant of breaths from behind. And sense two hands put either side of the sink around me. The mystery persons' chin resting on my right shoulders.

Woah what the fuck.

My eyes swiftly open look at the mirror in front of me. It was a man. He seemed to be angry and intoxicated. His grip on the sides were so tight his veins were shown very clearly. Staring at the mirror in unison with me was my arch nemesis of racing. I quickly turn around ready to shout at him. "Hey what the hell is your prob-", he pushes me further against the sink. He leaves me no choice but she sit actually on top the sink to make distance between us. I expected him to start mocking me some more. But he just stands there. Silent. Staring into my eyes. For the first time in my life I have never felt so captivated and intrigued by anything other than driving.

He suddenly but smoothly leans more towards me. Wait is he going to kiss me? Not another one really? But did I really want to run away from him? Not exactly.
His eyes flick down to my lips and back up to me, a small smile grew on his face. His lips then collide with my left cheek, dragging his lips up until they met my ear. His lips are very soft and plump I must say. My ear tingles from the breaths he lets out whilst hovering over my ear. His hands gliding their way from the sink up to my mid - thighs, to my waist. In which he grips me firmly.

Okay so I may or may not have become turned on. Wait, what no. No no I should be hating him and pushing him off me. However much my brain tells me to leave, I'm a prisoner in my own body. I've become paralysed - utterly captivated by this man standing before me. The man that liked to make fun of me. The man that I thought I hated, was now holding my waist and I was sat before him in a quite compromising position.

"You know Lando can't give you what I can." He says quietly but loud enough for me to hear. Butterflies, for the third time tonight, awaken in my belly. But this time it was a more intense and intimate feeling. He kisses my ear lobe a couple times before Leaning away from me slowly. A smirk plastered over his face, but still looking serious at the same time.

And with that he turns on his heels and walks back to the door opening it and closing it after him. Not giving me another glance. I stay sat on the sink, paralysed. That man is full of himself but so so hot at the same time. I let out a long sigh.

I have no clue what that's about. Should I read more into it? Nah. He's probably just very drunk and not in the right frame of mind. He's still the same old rude and disrespectful Leclerc I know.

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