Talking things over

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The words burned right through me and are now stuck in my brain. I messaged him back saying okay. And here I am now, meeting up with him at the lobby of the hotel. My dark blue Calvin Klein jumper shielded my face from the camera men who were standing outside ready to take pictures of me and Lando. The lift chimes signally someone had hit the bottom floor, oh look it's the guy I kissed last night, great. He was also wearing a hooded jumper and dark clothing. We both can't risk the press seeing us together again. Especially when the media haven't settled down about this scandal at all.

He sits down right next to me, extracting me out of my thoughts. We was sat in the far corner, our backs facing the paparazzi.

"Hi Sadie"


Awkward silence consumes the air. I guess both of us are maybe a tad overwhelmed about the events that have occurred. I open my mouth to speak before he can. "Look Lando, I really enjoyed that kiss last night and I'm sorry, I took it too far-"

"No,no Sadie you didn't take anything too far. It's one of the best bludey kisses I've ever had!" He practically whisper-shouts, before clearing his throat. He has a massive grin on his face, to be fair that kiss was amazing but I don't want to throw myself into something right now. Especially with races coming up.

"I agree Lando, but for now i think we should keep stuff ... professional. Especially because races are starting and that." He nods his head in agreement, although hurt glazes over his eyes for an odd second.

He places his hand on my right leg. Goosebumps grow along with red pigment on my cheeks. Fuck sake, why does he keep having this effect on me. I decide to over clasp mine on his, giving it a squeeze.
What? It's already awkward as it is.

His face lights up more than ever, as he strokes my thigh with his thumb.

"Just keep low on social media for a bit Sadie. Everyone will move onto someone else... like Charles. Hahah" he chuckles to himself.

Yeah, Charles.

Butterflies sprout in my stomach just from the thought of that man. I internally hit my stomach, we're talking to Lando here not Charles. The scene of last night in that bathroom comes into my vision. We was so close together, I saw definitely another side to him. I thought he was rude and annoying but he seemed to be different last night. Annoyed even, that me and Lando were sat together.

"Sadie, hello? Are you with me?"

"Oh er yeah sorry I must've zoned out for a second."

Yeah about Leclerc, not the man you kissed last night and is sat beside you right now.

"What was you saying" I asked him, trying to redeem myself. "I said, I've got to go now. You know, do some McLaren duties. But I'll see you on the 20th ye?"

The 20th will be the Bahrain Grand Prix.

"Yeah see ya Lando." I say as he walks backwards waving at me.

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