Fucking prick

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Charles' pov

I fling my remote at the TV in-front of me. I knew she'd move on some day but not with that... thing. I feel the blood boiling through my veins as I put both my hands behind my head.

Sadie. You could have picked any fucking guy. Any other rich annoying arsehole, but you chose that fucker. I must say I was not an angel at 20, I'm still not now. He was my best friend of three years, I met him in one of his dads hotels in Dubai. He was a nice guy, until he wasn't.

A picture of Sadie and him flashed onto the TV screen. It was from the party last night, I was not invited. But did I listen...no. Am I glad I didn't listen... yes. Sadie needs out of there ASAP, if anyone's going to make her see it, it's me. He may be an attractive, prestige, clean-shaven man in a tuxedo to her but under all that armour he's a conniving, selfish and very violent boy.

She looked so happy with him, he looked the same. My eyes narrowed as another picture was shown of them kissing, it was truly disgusting. But still she looked happy.

I reclined further into the chair as my heart sunk slowly, painfully. Is this what heartbreak feels like.

No Charles, you never was in love with her you just simply was attracted to her. Yes, exactly.

.... So why do you want to save her from this man?

A million thoughts span around my head at once, I could no longer concentrate on the words that were being spoken to me from the lady on the TV.

It brought me back to last night theyd both gone upstairs as she had run away from me. I do admit I was a bit drunk last night, believe me it took 4 security guards to escort me out, due to my drunk state. Stumbling into walls, slurred words, Sadie on my mind.

I then sat on a wall just around the corner of where the cameras were staged, waiting to see all of the celebrities leave the party. I saw Sadie pass by in Owen's Range Rover. When the cameras started to flash that's when I saw her. She did that fake smile that she always does when she's uncomfortable. Owen looked a lot more calmed than her, smiling and waving at the paparazzi like they was there for him. Dickward!

Something seemed off about her and I needed to tell someone. What better way but to choose the other guy who love-. LIKES her the same way I do. I open my phone to settings looking for my blocked contacts list. And there he was. I contemplated for a while, we hadn't spoke in ages.

"Fucking do it Charles." I muttered to myself as I heard the phone ringing him. It took him quite a while to answer. Probably not wanting to pick up or speak to me either ... touché. But much to my surprise he actually did pick up.

"What do you want Charles?" A tired and aggravated voice called down the phone to me. I took a deep breath before telling him what I needed to. For Sadie's sake.

"Hey mate I-"

"I'm not your mate alright. Why would I want to be "mates" with a fucking prick!" Lando spits down the phone. Well I suppose I deserved that. I mean I did start the fight with him at a bar and I did beat him up, maybe taking it too far. "Look I'm sorry okay we should have- I should have never fought you over a girl." I meant it, no matter now much I like her I shouldn't have done what I did.

"I hate you, you know." Lando says abruptly, it was like I'd just been stabbed in the heart. I didn't say anything. And neither did he for a while.

"But what do you want?" He adds, this time in a more gentle tone. I could hear the strain in his voice and the biting of his tongue. But I continued nevertheless, "Sadie has a new guy. Owen Dugray. You ever heard of him?"

He hums down the phone indicating a yes, "what about him."

"He's not good for Sadie, Lando. He'll hurt her." I say quickly leaving him too, speechless.

"You really love her don't you Charles."

"But you love her too don't you."

Neither of us say anything, the line becomes silent with only our breathing being heard. I realised I consciously never disagreed with the judgement he made and neither with my one in return.

We both loved the girl. Sadie Brando was quite a catch ever since I met her. I was completely hypnotised by her, how her light brown hair gets messy once she takes her helmet off, how she laughs at her own stupid jokes. I could list a thousand reasons why I took a liking to her ever since she was welcomed to formula one.

But when I was supposed to catch her she seemingly slipped through my fingers. All the way into Owen's hands, I grimaced at that thought alone. She's a long way down but I'm determined to bring her back up. Back to me. I'll catch her right this time.

"I know he's coming to watch the French Grand Prix. Can you meet me tomorrow at 2 straight after my training? You can tell me all about this fucking prick then."

"Mhm" I agreed into the microphone before adding, "but I thought I was the "fucking prick"." I said humorously, trying to lighten the mood.

Norris even exchanged a laugh down the phone before telling me to "piss off" and hanging up on me. 

All in a good days work.

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