66 ☠️

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Were we the first ones here? The room was completely empty, the only thing in here several doors. Five in the side Hyunjin, Jeongin and I had just gotten out of, and one on the other side of it, likely leading to the next safe zone. I decided to take the time, letting myself fall on the red carpet floor, laying down to rest out further. All the running about had taken most of the energy I had left. After all, this looked like it was simply a room to have us wait for the others anyways, how bad could it be?

And yet, my mind instantly went to the other guys. I could only imagine what they were going through. What kind of challenges did they go through? Would they have gotten hurt? And how would Jisung be doing? Part of me didn't want to care after he didn't seem care about what would happen to me either, but I still hoped he at least would still be alive, and not just for the money. Spending the past week here, I'd been able to experience so much more than I ever thought I could or would, finally finding a person again I wanted to be with, I actually felt myself starting to care about these guys, despite thinking that I could never get close to anyone ever again.

I could feel my head lifted up slightly, placed back on Jeongin's arm as he had laid down beside me, him too still panting. I this time didn't pull away, though unsure whether I was getting used to his affection for physical contact, or whether I was just too tired to care about it. Unlike at home, I had luckily learned here that being touched didn't always have to be a bad thing. It would still take a lot of time to actually be comfortable with it more in general, there was a person on my mind right now I couldn't help but want to hold again. Being in his arms was simply so comforting, that I couldn't even explain why I changed so much about it in such a short time, and yet I couldn't get enough of it.

And now, seeing Changbin coming out alone, tearstains on his cheeks, I already knew that wasn't going to happen anymore. I sat up straight, trying to peek through the door that was left half open, seeing nothing but blood on the ground. "Changbin...?" Jeongin asked, his voice already quivering. "Where's Seungmin?" he continued as Changbin stayed quiet, curling up on the ground. "If only I had chosen the other door," Changbin muttered out, now actually breaking down. "If only I chose the other door, he could have made it."

"Could have made it?" Hyunjin repeated, only now realizing what was going on. "Don't tell me he's-" Hyunjin shouted, interrupted by Changbin continuing. "We got separated into two rooms, there was nothing I could do. I tried to shout tips at him, but he wasn't listening. It was like he had already given up. He was just ranting about how I should take care of you guys, and how he wanted me to be sure to tell Y/N he loved her, and before I knew it he was on the ground, completely covered in blood, and he didn't even seem to be breathing anymore... I'm so sorry," Changbin ranted, but I couldn't listen anymore. I got up, speeding through the door Changbin had just gotten out of, pressing my hands against the glass wall.

Though Seungmin was nowhere to be found, the puddle of blood confirmed Changbin's story. "Changbin, where did he go?" I shouted, banging against the glass. "I don't know," he answered shakily. "He just suddenly disappeared through the ground, through some sort of opening." The room became quiet, besides the sobs audible from Changbin and Jeongin. Hyunjin only sat there, staring blankly in front of him. I let myself fall back to the ground, laying down on the floor, not even caring that my clothes now too were covered by blood. I wanted to scream, cry, fight, and yet nothing came out. All I could do was lay there motionlessly, rethinking every moment we had together as I closed my eyes.


"Can you all just cut the chit chat and be quiet? I'm trying to rest out for tomorrow. If you don't remember, we have to be up and running at 5. In the morning!"


"Great, this just keeps getting better huh," Seungmin groaned.


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