Angel Face

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• Angelina's POV •

The car ride to the airport was relaxing. I listened to music and enjoyed the quietness of the early morning drive, but then there was the actual plane ride. 4 hours on a plane isn't fun, and those who think it is should get themselves checked out.

I didn't start feeling excited again until we were in our rental car headed to the resort to check in. We were merely a few minutes away from what Conrad says will be "the best 2 weeks of my life".

My mind was so occupied with anticipating these next couple of weeks that I didn't even notice when we parked in the parking lot of the lodge. I couldn't wait to see my suite this year. It seems like my parents go all out for me every single year.

"Don't run!" My dad looked back at me just as I was about to open the door and run out. "Get your bags first, young lady."

I huffed and opened the door softly. The parents continued to jokingly complain about my excitement as I grabbed my suitcase and duffel bag from the trunk. I walked speedily through the parking garage in hopes of seeing more people.

My parents began speaking about me as they trailed behind me.

"I think she's just excited because she gets to see the boys." my mother commented mockingly.

My face went went red, immediate relief washing over me when I realized I was walking ahead of them.

"Which is it, honey?" My father spoke up. "Conrad or Jeremiah?"

"Neither!" I exclaimed in embarrassment.

We finally made it inside where we were welcomed with the warm air radiating from the fireplace sitting in the middle of the lobby. I looked around with a small part of me hoping that I'd see the Fishers checking in as well.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that not many people were checking into the resort this year. Some years Highland was packed with guests and tourists and some years it was almost empty. There were a few returning families like us and the Fishers, but not many.

I was hoping it would be an empty year. When there's not as many people, the staff lets us do whatever we want around the place and we don't get in trouble for goofing off as much.

We waited patiently for the line to continue, my mind somewhere else the entire time. It was when we finally made it to the front of the line that I locked eyes with him. I couldn't contain my excitement for a second longer. I dropped my bags next to my parents' feet and ran to the boy who was already running to me.

He sported the widest grin as he ran with his arms wide open for me. The moment went almost in slow motion for me. It's like I couldn't get to him faster. I reached for him and he engulfed me in a hug and spun me around.

"You've grown up." He said as he eyed me up and down, a flicker of flirtation hidden behind his pink lipped smirk. My cheeks heated up under his gaze. I never expected anyone to look at me like that. Especially not Conrad Fisher.

Con was always a handsome guy and it was surprising to me that I never developed a crush on him, but I never wanted to ruin our friendship. He always meant so much to me.

I felt like that rule was going to be thrown out the window if he kept looking like this.

"So have you." I reached up and messed with his floppy brown hair on purpose. "You taking notes from DiCaprio?"

His hair was on either side of his face which reminded me of Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic.

Just with more fluff!

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