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Angelina's POV

Conrad had decided he'd had enough of the party as well and had decided to come home with me. Tatiana stayed at the party since she'd found more people to talk to. I was glad that I hadn't ruined her night after all.

I apologized to Luka about the argument with Jeremiah when we'd made it back and luckily he didn't take offense. Con and I entered the doors of the resort, exhaustion taking over as soon as I felt the warm air inside. Walking up the stairs Conrad jogged up to walk next to me.

"Movie night?" He asked.

"Race ya!" I exclaimed as we both jetted up the stairs to try to beat one another to my suite.

I made it there first, but I knew it was only because I had the advantage of actually remembering where my suite was located. Conrad was so bad at remembering room numbers. Even his own.

"That's cheating," he panted as I unlocked the door. "I forgot where it was."

"Boohoo," I fake whined with a lip pout. "You're just mad that I won."

I brought some blankets down from my bedroom upstairs after changing into a tank top and some sweatpants and threw them at Conrad who was sprawled across the couch.

"Scooch." I told the older boy but he refused.

He simply opened up his arms signaling me to come lay with him. I accepted the invitation and placed myself in front of him so that we were spooning. I missed cuddling with Conrad. It's one of my favorite pastimes.

"What movie?" I asked.

"You know what movie." He placed his chin on top of my head.

I turned on Monster's Inc after a while of attempting to login to my Disney + account. We laid together and watched our favorite movie since we were kids in a comfortable silence. After a while my eyelids started to get heavy and soon I heard the soft snores of the boy laying behind me.

I allowed them to close and fell asleep as Mike Wazowski screamed at Sully for getting them banished in the snow.

• December 19th •

I woke up in Conrad's arms still laying on the couch. I tried to check my phone to see what time it was but it was dead. I mentally cursed myself because my parents had asked to spend the morning with me last night and I was hoping it was still morning.

I left a note for Conrad and went to get ready for the day. After showering, I made my way to my mom and dad's room. It was 11:43 by the time I got there.

So, not morning, but honestly what do they expect? I'm on vacation!

"Hey baby, how's your week been so far?" My father greeted when he opened the door for me.

"It's been really good." I fake smiled. I didn't want my parents to worry about me so I told a little white lie.

We sat in the little kitchen area where there were barstools. I laid my arms on the cold marble in front of me and rested my head on them. My father patted my head affectionately. My real smile came out and I laid there content.

"Don't forget to spend some time with us," my mother spoke as she walked into the kitchen area. "You spend so much time with Conrad that you forget to be with the people who paid for your room. And your existence."

I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'll make sure I visit more often." I assured her.

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