Books and shit

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• June 9th •

The next morning I'd checked my phone and saw a text from Conrad 15 minutes ago.

Connie boo 🩵: meet me at the beach when u wake up

Me: I'll get dressed rn

I grabbed my pink swimsuit and put an oversized tee on and grabbed a towel for me to dry off on. I headed to the restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and then all but ran downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and smelled coffee from the hallway. When I entered, Jeremiah was fixing himself a cup. He looked at me and put the coffee pot down.

I avoided eye contact with him and turned to leave.

"Meeting with your little boyfriend?" He antagonized before I could reach the doorway.

I turned on my heels and placed a hand on my hip. "Don't you have your little girlfriend to worry about?"

"And who would my girlfriend be?" He asked.

Of course I was referring to Belly, but Conrad had told me to keep it to myself and I didn't want to make things worse between them. So I deflected.

"Who would my boyfriend be?"

This felt wrong. Jeremiah and I were back to throwing shots at each other and it wasn't what I was used to anymore. I wanted the us that had spent the night in his bed listening to nostalgic music that reminded us of each other. Now it was just like in Highland and I didn't want that anymore.

He didn't answer. He just shook his head looking visibly irritated. He's the one who started it, why is he fucking irritated?

I took his silence as a green light to leave.

It felt hard to breathe as I walked out on the beach. Jeremiah and I's relationship would never be good and a part of me wanted to cry at the thought of it. The other part knew that I truly hadn't done anything wrong and that whatever was going through his mind was his fault.

But that didn't stop it from hurting.

Conrad took me out of my thoughts when I saw him sitting down smoking a blunt. I sat next to him and extended my hand for him to pass it to me.

"This is the last of my shit," he warned before passing it. "Savor it."

This man was acting like it was impossible to buy weed. As if he's not friends who Dani who knows every plug in every town she visits. How the fuck do you get weed on a mountain? I don't know, but she makes it work.

We sat in silence, letting ourselves get high together. It was comfortable. There were a lot of things on my mind and there seemed to be even more on his. And it was clear that neither of us wanted to talk about it.

Even though we weren't expressing our feelings, his presence was comforting. Knowing that even if we're not going through the same thing, we'll always be on the same wavelength just made me feel closer to him.

"Let's go somewhere," he suggested when we'd been smoking for a bit and the blunt was already halfway gone. "We haven't hung out just us in a while. I miss you, Lina."

I smiled as we both kept our gazes on the beautiful ocean waves in front of us.

"I miss you too, Con. Let's do it."

Conrad took his last hit and let me get mine before putting it out and walking back to the house. I put my bikini back in the dresser since I hadn't even gotten in the water and changed into a simple outfit of a white halter top, green shorts, and some tan slides. I wet, moussed, and brushed my curls out to leave them hanging around my shoulders.

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