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Angelina's POV

We all made it back to the resort in one piece. The gala had gone successfully according to my parents who seemed to be in better spirits than before.

I was at least glad for that.

As I opened my door with my room key, I was tapped on the shoulder. I whirled around to see Jeremiah.

My face dropped.

"What now?" I was tired and just wanted to hop into bed with Conrad's hoodie.

And honestly I was sick of Jeremiah's mindless games with me. He's all protective and really fucking attractive and then he goes and kisses Tatiana. It makes no sense to me.

"Someone's got an attitude." He presented his smirk to me causing me to sigh frustratedly.

"Came here to get on nerves I see."

He ignored my statement.

"What's the deal with you and Luka?"

What the fuck?! I know I ask this a lot, but why does it fucking matter?

"Oh my god, why do you care? You make no sense to me! You treat me like shit, you go after my cousin, and now you're worried about who it is I'm interested in? Why-"

The words left my mouth when he pushed me into my room and pulled me into him. Like before at the gala, I grabbed his arms to steady myself. He took this as his invitation to lean in and I tilted my head up to give him easy access and closed my eyes.

Seconds passed as I waited for him to kiss me.

I hate him. Don't get me wrong, but the tension between us was undeniable. As much as I want to slap him at times, I've been thinking about doing the opposite.

The more time went, the more I anticipated it. Until I slowly came to realize I was waiting for a kiss that wasn't coming. It was yet another game for him.

I pushed him off in embarrassment.

He stumbled backward but quickly caught himself.

"Why?" My voice cracked. "Is this funny to you?"

"No." He answered. He reached his hand out for me, but I jerked away from him.

"Get out." I demanded.

His eyes softened.


And there it was. He hadn't called me his nickname for me in years. Last time he did, his voice was still squeaky and developing so to hear it in his new mature sounding voice.. it actually hurt to hear him say it.

I didn't even realize how much his voice had changed until now. The realization only hurt more.

"Leave." Was all I said.

Thankfully he listened.

But as he reached for the door handle, he paused and turned. "I can't stop you from wanting Luka. So just don't get hurt. And if you do.. come to me."

And he left.

I felt a pull in the pit of my stomach when he walked away after this. His words left a wide hole in my brain.

Come to me..

Conrad's POV

I walked my mom to her room after the gala and talked to her a bit before letting her rest. I walked out of the door as Jere approached it.

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