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• June 6th •

When I woke up that morning, I was tangled in Jeremiah's arms. I attempted to get up to get out of bed but he just pulled me back down.

"Why are you moving so much?" He grumbled and moved so that he was slightly on top of me and weighing me down.

"I need to go." I told him.

"Why?" He questioned and pulled me more into him.

This was adorable behavior.. meaning I need to get the fuck out of here. As much as I'd love to stay in his arms, I had to force myself to leave.

Being there felt too real.. too good.

"If Susannah catches me, I'll be by shipped back home before we can even explain."

"The doors locked. Lay down." He dismissed.

If things were going to be purely physical between us, I couldn't let myself indulge in cute romantic moments with him. Cuddling is too intimate and I know myself. I'll want too much.

"Bye, Jeremiah."

He let me go with a groan and a pout. I quietly snuck out of his room and into mine again. I decided to shower and get ready for the day. On my way back to my room from my shower I ran into Jere again.

He was still shirtless and sported a small smile. I could've sworn his eyes lit up when he saw me.

"You left too early." He said.

"I didn't leave early enough." I smiled with an amused expression.

He sighed and gave me a taunting smile. "We're still putting on the I hate you act huh?"

"When was it ever an act?"

"Angelina!" my name is called before he can say anything.

I walked downstairs and found Susannah walking into the front door. She beamed with joy when she saw me.

"I found your dress!" She grabbed both my arms and twirled us around happily. "We're going to get it fitted later today."

"That's good," I smiled back at her. "Can I invite my friends?"

"Oh yes! We can have a girls day. You should ask Belly to come."

I nodded and complied with what she said. I knocked on Belly's bedroom door and she opened it after shouting that she was coming. She smiled when she saw it was me.

"Hey, Susannah says she found the perfect dress for me and that we're having a girls day. You down?"

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yeah, yeah, uhm.. I'll come down in a sec."

I went into my room and texted Dani and Sadie to get their asses over here before changing into a simple green sundress that I could slip on and off. I wet and brushed my hair into a slick ponytail and made my way downstairs where Susannah and I waited for Belly and the girls.


"It's perfect!" Dani squealed when I walked out in my the dress Susannah had chosen for me.

"It's perfect!" Dani squealed when I walked out in my the dress Susannah had chosen for me

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Shots Fired (Jeremiah Fisher)Where stories live. Discover now